Help to protect Alabama's forests
Published 6:18 am Monday, July 24, 2006
By Staff
Our View
Despite Alabama's dry, drought conditions, the Alabama Forestry Commission has not issued a "no burn" order, but is encouraging individuals and businesses to avoid burning.
Yesterday, the Forestry commission did issue a fire alert for Escambia, Mobile and Washington counties. While under the Fire Alert permits for outdoor burning in Escambia, Mobile and Washington counties will be restricted and issued on an individual basis.
The Commission is urging everyone in other counties not affected by the Fire Alert to use all necessary safety precautions when doing any type of outdoor burning and to call the Alabama Forestry Commission for a burn permit.
Wildfires like the ones in California, Texas and Florida can happen in Alabama. Consider this:
With conditions the way they are, it's best to remember the slogan popularized by a forest safety icon:
"Only you can help prevent forest fires."