News in Brief
Published 8:07 am Monday, August 21, 2006
By Staff
City of Atmore lifts burn ban
Atmore Fire &Rescue Department chief Gerry McGhee recently lifted the burn ban the City of Atmore has been under for the past several weeks.
Recent heavy rains enabled McGhee to make his decision.
Great Mt. Triumph holds "Women Day"
Greater Mount Triumph Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate "Annual Women Day" today at 3 p.m. Sis. Shirley Gray "Cookie" Smith will be the speaker of the hour.
The theme is sisters of Christ of all ages giving God the highest praise. All women are asked to wear off-white dresses to the celebration.
EWMS boosters
meeting Monday
The Ernest Ward Booster Club will hold a meeting Aug. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Everyone interested is invited.
NHS open house to be held Aug. 22
Northview High School will hold its annual Open House on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2006 at 7 p.m. It will begin with a short program in the student's homeroom. After the program, parents and visitors will have an opportunity to visit our campus and classrooms. Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria from 6:30 to 6:50 p.m.
Donations needed at Christian Care
Atmore Area Christian Care gave 65 people food last week. They are in need of the following items: spaghetti and any other form of pasta, macaroni and cheese, canned yams, self-rising flour, self-rising meal, rice, chicken and dumplings, pork and beans and crackers.
Gospel singing at Bryant Chapel
There will be a Gospel Singing at Bryant Chapel on Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. Rose Gilley &Southern Heritage will be featured. An offering will be accepted to assist church building funds. All are invited. For more information, please call 251-577-6616.
New Home Church offers "clean" fun
"The Jeff Treece Band" of Knoxville, Tenn., along with "Grateful Heart" of Monroeville, will be in concert at the New Home Church near Monroeville on Aug. 26 at 7 p.m.
There will be no charge for admission. Everyone is invited to come. New Home Church is located between Repton and Monroeville just north of U.S. Highway 84 E. For more information call Rev. Kenneth Johnson ant 251-575-2524.