News in Brief

Published 11:35 am Wednesday, October 18, 2006

By Staff
Legion to dedicate veteran's room
The second-floor room at the American Legion will be dedicated on Thursday night at 5:30 p.m. We want everyone to come and see the results of the renovation, which has taken place over the last year.
Refreshments will be served.
Inaugural HOF tickets on sale
Tickets for the inaugural Atmore Area Hall of Fame induction ceremony are on sale now and can be purchased for $15 at The Atmore Advance, Atmore News, First National Bank &Trust or United Bank.
The ceremony is Nov. 11 at 6 p.m. at the Atmore Area YMCA and Community Center.
ACH jewelry sale begins tomorrow
The Atmore Community Hospital Auxiliary will hold a jewelry sale Oct. 19-20 from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day at the Atmore Community Hospital.
Get anything for $5. Cash, checks or credit cards are accepted.
Poll workers will meet tomorrow
Poll workers' workshops have been scheduled for Oct. 19 at the following locations:
All poll workers must attend one of the scheduled workshops.
Escambia Academy fall festival Oct. 24
The Escambia Academy fall festival will be held from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Oct. 24 on the football field.
There will be lots of fun for the kids and activities for the parents as well.
Come on out and show your support at the Escambia Academy fall festival.
ECHS SGA to host alumni tea Friday
The Escambia County High School Student Government Association is hosting a tea for alumni who graduated in years ending in six.
The event will be held in the ECHS library at 10 a.m. on Oct. 20.
Mt. Olive Missionary Homecoming Sunday
Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, located at 248 Pouncey Road in Atmore will host its Homecoming at 3 p.m. this Sunday. Revival will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 23-25 featuring the Rev./Dr. Monroe Tucker Jr., pastor and the Rev. Albert Hazley, assistant pastor.
For more information contact 368-4513 or 368-3623.
Reid State offering GED test Oct. 18-19
Reid State Technical College will offer GED tests October 18 and 19 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. The battery of tests costs $50; each retest is $10 per test.
Pre-registration must be completed prior to test dates.
For more information please contact Linda Pickett at 251-578-1313 Ext: 101 or 133.
For GED classes, please contact Coretta Boykin at 251-578-1313 Ext: 137.
Legion line dance begins Thursday
Beginner Line Dance classes will begin on Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall at the corner of Main and Church streets.
A $2 donation is requested.
For more info call 850-994-6176 (Barbara) or 251-368-8843 (Ernestine).
ECHS Class of '56 reunion Oct. 28
ECHS 50th Class Reunion
Members of the 1956 class will have a celebration at 7 p.m. on Oct. 28 at the Watson Cabin in Heritage Park.
For details call 368-4142.
ECHS Class of '66 reunites Oct. 28
Members of the Escambia County High School Class of 1966 will gather during Williams Station Day, Saturday, Oct. 28 in Atmore.
Drop by any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to visit with former classmates and renew old friendships. Classmates should look for a tent located somewhere in the vicinity of the YMCA building, likely close to School Street.
Members can drop by the tent during the day while also enjoying the Williams Station Day festivities. Everyone is asked to return to the tent promptly at 2 p.m. for a class photo.
Anyone interested in helping man the welcome table at the tent, please call 368-3760.
ECHS Class of '76 meet &greet
The Class of 1976 will hold a meet and greet at David's Catfish from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. on Oct. 20.
Hors'derves and drinks will be available.
Hosts will be Mal McGhee, Ann Stevens, Glenn Carlee and Rob Faircloth.
The ECHS homecoming pep rally will be held at 2:30 p.m. and kickoff is at 7 p.m.
ECHS Class of '96 reunion Oct. 20
The Escambia County High School graduating Class of 1996 is going to meet at the Blue Devils' Homecoming game on Oct. 20 against Monroe County. Kickoff is at 7 p.m.
Following the game, the class will meet at Jalisco's Restaurant to celebrate their 10-year reunion.
Atmore Christian Care needs your help
Atmore Christian Care gave food to 82 people last week. The ministry is currently short on the following items:
Atmore Christian Care also accepts cash donations.
Times of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m until noon.
American Legion's breakfast with Santa
The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary will hold breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 2
To be eligible, you must have children of an active duty military person who will not be able to be home for Christmas
Apply by Calling the American Legion at 446-1403. Please leave a voicemail message.
Application deadline Nov. 11.
SAIL Center costume party slated Oct. 20
The Atmore SAIL Center will host a fall dance and costume party for seniors 55 and over on Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Admission will be $5 per person. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed.
Entertainment provided by the Good Times Country Band. The SAIL Center is located at 300 E. Ridgeley Street
For more information contact the SAIL Center director Charlotte Purvis at 368-5742.
Board of Equalization, Adjustments to meet
The Escambia County Board of Equalization and Adjustments will be in session beginning the week of Oct 23.
Persons wishing to appear before the board must request a hearing in writing. Requests should be to The Escambia County Board of Equalization and Adjustment, c/o The Tax Assessor's Office, P.O. Box 556, Brewton, AL 36427.
Training School alums to meet Oct. 20
Alumni of Escambia County Training School (Eagles), classes of 1967 and 1968 will meet at David's Catfish House in Atmore for a day of reminiscence, fun and fellowship at 11 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 20.
For more information, call Barbara Poole Harris at 368-5232; Mary Johnson Rostchild at 446-7380 or Lillie Lee at 368-2881.
Bratt Elementary in need of decorations
Bratt Elementary School's Fall Fest will be held Oct. 27, and the school is in need of decorations.
If you know of anywhere the school could find pumpkins, hay bales, Indian corn, gourds or scarecrows please call the school at 327-6137
Everything can be returned to the lender Friday night after Fall Fest or Saturday morning.
Friendly Holiness Fall Festival is Oct. 21
Friendly Holiness Church Fall Festival Saturday, Oct. 21 from noon until 5 p.m.
The festival will feature live southern gospel music, country store, food, games, and more.
The church is located at 3266 Atmosphere Road in Poarch.
For more information call 368-8923.
Legion Veteran's Day parade is Nov. 10
The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary are sponsoring this parade to be held on Friday, Nov. 10, 2006. The floats in the parade will represent the various wars in which this country has been involved.
In the beginning it was thought that there would be enough participation from the schools. We are now inviting various clubs, church groups, and other organizations to participate. The only prerequisite will be patriotism! There are still floats needed to represent various war periods. If interested, please call Mary Stanley at 368-5769 for assignment of war period.
In addition to floats, we invite any Veteran or supporter to march or ride in the parade. We hope that, in addition to floats, some of the schools will enter their bands. We would like to invite antique car owners to be in the parade and if there is space in your vehicle, allow an older veteran to ride, rather than walk. If you ride motorcycles and would like to support veterans in this way, please join us.
For entries of floats, there will be cash prizes for first, second and third places.
The American war periods include:
If your child's school is participating, please find out what they are doing and offer your assistance. If they are not, find out if any of associations are involved and assist them. This is an opportunity to show other communities that we love and support our veterans and active military personnel for the fighting to preserve the freedoms that we enjoy.
Remember this will take place on Friday, November 10th at 10:00 a.m. Parade line- up will begin at the City Hall at 9:00 a.m. If you want to participate, please call so that this can be coordinated. Some war periods have already been taken. GOD bless America!
Trick or Treat at ANC this Halloween
The Atmore Nursing Center will be having Safe Place Trick or Treat on Oct. 31, 2006 from 5 p.m until 6:30 p.m.
Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Church of God to hold Homecoming Sunday
Church of God on Jacksprings Road will be having its Homecoming at 11 a.m. on Oct. 22.
The Harmoniers will be singing.
Poarch Community Church Homecoming
Poarch Community Church, located at 6210 Jack Springs Road, will celebrate its homecoming Oct. 22.
Guest speaker is Bro. Dave Kniss and music presented by Jonathan and Neely Martin. Service will begin at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship meal will follow morning service.
Everyone is invited.
Walnut Hill VFD catfish fry Nov. 4
Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual catfish fry from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday Nov. 4 at the Walnut Hill fire station in Walnut Hill, Fla.
Catfish fillets, grilled chicken, hush puppies, baked beans, cole slaw, homemade bread and cakes will be served. The cost of a plate will be $6.
Baked goods and arts and crafts will be available. Door prizes will be given away at 1 p.m.
There will also be a blood drive.
Everyone is invited.
Candlelight vigil for victims is Oct. 19
The Escambia County Domestic Violence Task Force is cordially inviting everyone to attend a candlelight vigil to remember the victims and survivors of domestic violence in our area.
The vigil will be held on Thursday at the Brewton City Park &Gazebo
Downtown (if weather permits and if not please go the Bell Chapel of the First Baptist Church of Brewton).
ECHS NJROTC hosts 5K Run during WSD
The Escambia County High School Blue Devils' NJROTC Cadets will sponsor a 5K Fun Run on Oct. 28 in conjunction with Williams Station Day.
Individuals and teams of four may enter. Team and Individual awards will be presented for first through third place in several age categories. Teams will be judged on team time totals. Please get your registration forms in as soon as possible to ensure your T-Shirts are available on run day.
Cost is $20 per individual for pre-registration received before Oct. 13. Cost is $25 per individual for registrations received after Oct. 13 or on the day of the run. Cost is $60 per four-member team for pre-registration received before Oct. 13. Cost is $80 per four-member team for registrations received after Oct. 13 or on the day of the run.
Registration and check-in will begin at 6 a.m. the day of the race and go until 8:15 a.m. Please arrive as early as possible.
All runners must check-in. The run will commence at 8:30 a.m. sharp.
For registration forms for the 5k run go to
For information on William Station Day please visit
Atmore host Hip-Hop, R&B awards show
A "Cleaning Up the South" Hip-Hop and R&B Awards Show/Concert is being scheduled for early December in Atmore.
The event will be hosted by Jermaine Jakes and will feature the best new artists in the South as well as other areas/cities. Many well-known Christian rappers are scheduled to attend, including Demetrus and Pettidee (Jacksonville, Fla.), Rob Hodge, and Midnite Sun.
There will also be a concert the following Saturday with free admission for all public to enjoy.
McCullough School reunion Nov. 4
The second McCullough School reunion will be held Saturday, Nov. 4 at the McCullough Christian Center Gym at 240 Booneville Road.
The reunion is for all that attended the school regardless to year. It will begin 1 p.m. and the cost is $13 per person. A meal will be served around 3 p.m. with desserts and coffee through out the evening.
The dress is casual. Make your plans to join your old classmates and friends for an afternoon and night down memory lane. Bring your camera and any old pictures to share.
"Haunted Hayride" hosted by PCI
The Poarch Creek Indians will have a "Haunted Hayride" Oct. 24, 26, and 27. Hayrides start at 7:00 p.m. at the gym. Come take a scary ride in the "Haunted Forest." Admission is $3 and concessions will be available.
For more information contact the Recreation Department at 368-9136 Ext. 2246.
Unity Baptist hosting fall festival Halloween
Unity Baptist Church, Hwy 31 next to rodeo arena, will hold a fall festival from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Oct. 31.
This year's theme will be "Down on the Farm". There will be games, food, pony rides, candy, prizes, moonwalk, cakewalk and hayrides.
Everyone is invited and everything is free! Register to win door prizes.
BP food drive will continue until Nov. 17
Atmore BP will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable food items for local families who may need a little extra help this holiday season.
Bring your donations by the station between Oct. 16 and Nov. 17. Records will be kept and the person who has brought the most donations will receive a $25 gift card for "free" gas.
If you know someone who needs assistance see Kristi and let her know. Boxes will be distributed the week of Nov. 20.
A little goes a long way.
Easter Seals host reading sessions
Goodwill Easter Seals will host Family Fun with Reading at Rachel Patterson Elementary School in October and November.
There will be four sessions including Oct. 17 and 24 and Nov. 6 and 16. Classes will be from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
During the sessions there will be arts and crafts and ideas for reading at home. Refreshments will be served.
For more information call Magaline Marshall at 368-0305 or Linda Stallworth at 359-8162 or 368-9246.

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