Eula Sullivan volunteers at SAIL Center
Published 7:29 pm Thursday, February 22, 2007
By Staff
(This week The Atmore Advance spotlights Eula Sullivan, 67, of Atmore. Sullivan enjoys cooking and playing cards at the Atmore SAIL Center.)
Q: When and where were you born?
A: I was born in East Brewton on February 9, 1940 and I am 67 years old. My mother's husband died and she met a man from Mobile and they moved to East Brewton. They would walk into town over the bridge to get ice cream cones to eat because they didn't have cars back then. That was in 1939 and I was born in 1940.
Q: Who were your parents?
A: My parents were John W. White from Wallace and Lillian Elizabeth Scott from Goodway. They moved to East Brewton in 1939. He got a job at the lumber mill. Then they moved to Wallace and I started first grade there. When we moved to Atmore my daddy worked at Swift for some time.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: I have four brothers, John White Jr., Bob Hubbard White, Cordis Lavon White and LeeAndrew White. All of them live in Century except for Bob, he lives in Bay Minette. I have four half-sisters, all of them are deceased. They were Carllie Lee, Hazel Thoomey, Inez White and Sally White. Also I have two deceased half-brothers, Miles White and Bart White. They were both from Flomaton.
Q: Where did you attend high school and college?
A: I went to Escambia County High School until the 10th grade. I got married and went to California. I married a sailor from Tennessee. We lived in California for 18 months and that's where our first son was born. I got my GED so I could get a job. When my husband got out of the navy we went to Tennessee but nobody was hiring there so we came to Atmore and we both worked at Chemstrand, which is now Solutia. I worked there for eight and a half years and my husband worked there for 13 and a half years.
Q: Do you do a lot of traveling?
A: No, I only go to Dothan to see my two granddaughters.
Q: What jobs have you held?
A: I was a housewife for a long time. After my kids grew up I worked at Winn Dixie for six and a half years. Then I had the job at Chemstrand. I retired and now I volunteer at the SAIL Center.
Q: Did you ever marry?
A: Yes, I was married for 32 years to Jack Wilford Sullivan. He died in 1992.
Q: Do you have any children or grandchildren?
A: Yes. My children are Mitchell Wayne, he's the oldest, Kathy Lynn and Larry Wade. Mitchell works at Solutia and really enjoys it. He got promoted and went to the steam plant. Kathy Lynn lives in Parker, Fla. and Larry Wade lives in Dothan. I have two grandchildren, Clair Elizabeth who is seven and Kate Amelia who is three. They are Larry Wayne's children. They bring a lot of joy to my life.
Q: Where do you attend church?
A: I visit Brooks Baptist Church
Q: What keeps you busy these days?
A: I like to have fun. I volunteer at the SAIL Center. Last year we went to the senior Olympics and brought back 17 medals. I like to play cards and dominoes with my senior friends. During the summer I like to swim. I have rheumatoid arthritis and swimming takes all the weight off the joints. I like to watch movies and go to UFD for their occasions. They have fish fries and dances. I like to go shopping and go to Tennessee when I have the chance, I go to the Smokies to go site seeing. I went two times with two of my brothers. It's beautiful there, I get to see the snow in the winter and the leaves in autumn.
Q: What's your favorite television show?
A: I think it'd have to be the Hallmark movies and the history channels. My favorite movie is "Gone With The Wind."
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I love to cook. I like vegetables and seafood. I love to eat at David's, they have great food. I like to eat at Dixie's too. I have a lot of friends at the SAIL Center that I have gotten close to. We like to go out to eat once a month for birthdays and then we go back to the center to play games. Once a month we'll travel somewhere to eat, Baldwin County or Pensacola, we'll go anywhere anybody suggests.
Q: What is the most interesting thing about yourself?
A: I have a positive attitude. My rheumatologist said that it's my spirit that keeps me going. I love the Lord, I couldn't make it without him. My friends make me interesting, too. You have to have a positive attitude in life to make it through. The Bible tells us to work as if we're working to the Lord, it lifts our spirits and helps us to give thanks.
Q: What advice would you like to give people on staying healthy?
A: To eat right, exercise and walk when you can. Also to get enough rest, to take time to rest. To take a 15 or 30 minute nap a day is good for the heart. Also just to stay active.
(If you would like to recommend a senior to be spotlighted please contact Adrienne McKenzie at 368-2123 or e-mail her at