Calendar of Events
Published 8:09 pm Monday, March 5, 2007
By Staff
Weather causes blood shortage
Due to the severe weather Thursday, the American Red Cross was forced to cancel several blood drives. Because of the cancellations, there is a potential shortage in hospital requests for blood and blood products.
In order to offset the losses because of the weather, the Red Cross is encouraging all eligible donors to give blood at scheduled blood drives and at American Red Cross centers.
For more information please contact 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or visit
– Staff Reports
Men take to the catwalk Saturday
The second annual United Bank Womanless Beauty Pageant will be held March 10 at the Atmore Area YMCA &Community Center at 7 p.m.
Any man interested in participating in the event is welcome to sign up until March 9. The pageant will consist of a physical fitness routine prior to the judging of the men in their eveningwear.
All money raised will go to the American Cancer Society.
For more information, please call 446-6000.
– Staff Reports
Christian Care needs your help
Atmore Area Christian Care gave food to 44 people last week. The following items we are very short on now are – peanut butter, salmon, tuna, chicken and dumplings, canned fruit, sugar, pasta, macaroni and cheese, dry beans and peas.
We can always use volunteers. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. until noon.
Missionary Baptist Drummer's fellowship
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church will have a Drummer's Appreciation on March 4 at 3 p.m. Choirs and groups are encouraged to participate. Chairperson, Sister Barbara Poole Harris and Pastor Monroe Tucker, Jr. invite you to come and enjoy the fellowship.
First Baptist Bratt revival March 4
The First Baptist Church of Bratt will hold a revival Sunday, March 4 through Wednesday, March 7. Sunday services will be at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday services will be at 7 p.m. nightly. Pastor will be Gene Pickern.
Shiloh Free Will revival March 4-7
Shiloh Free Will Baptist Church, Hwy 99 Bratt, Fla., will hold a revival March 4-7.
Featured guest will be Bro. Guy Owens. Times for the revival will be 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
ECERA meeting this Thursday at 11 a.m.
Education retirees, if you want to know more about PEE HIP and the possibility of receiving a COLA (cost of living adjustment) this year, please attend this regular meeting of the Escambia County Education Retirees Association (Formerly known as The Escambia County Retired Teachers Association), Thursday, March 8 at David's Catfish House in Brewton at 11 a.m.
The guest speaker will be Mr. Joe McFerrin, a former principal of T.R. Miller High School. All education retirees on any level, anyone drawing a check from TRS, as well as persons interested in public education are invited to attend this important meeting.
County Commission meeting March 9
The Escambia County Commission will conduct a regular session on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Chambers, Room 201, at the Escambia County Courthouse in Brewton.
The Administrative Workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 7 at 9 a.m.
Faith Pentecostal appreciation day
Faith Pentecostal will host an appreciation day for overseer Bishop Purvis McMillan from March 7 through March 9 at 7:30 p.m. The last day will be Sunday, March 11th at 3 p.m.
Everyone is invited to come and celebrate the Bishop's 19th anniversary.
Civic League offers
nursing scholarships
The Civic League is accepting applications for nursing scholarships until March 10.
The scholarships are awarded to outstanding and deserving students who wish to continue their higher education and become a registered nurse.
Applications may be obtained at Jefferson Davis Community College in Brewton. Applicants must be a resident of Escambia County Alabama and accepted into a nursing school.
For further information, contact Dement Hays at 317 Alco Drive, Brewton, Ala., 36426.
Rev. Shuford service slated for March 11
The Pastor and members of Zion Star A.M.E. Zion Church invite everyone to come and worship the Lord with the congregation in the Installation Service for the Rev. Humphrey Shuford on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Claude Shuford will bring the message.
A.M.E. Gospel Choir anniversary March 18
The Rev. Joseph William and President Shirley Longmire and Gaines Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church cordially invite you to our 24th A.M.E. Gospel Choir anniversary on March 18 at 3 p.m.
Historical Society "Show &Tell"
The Escambia County Historical Society will have a "Show &Tell" Program at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 27 at 3:15 p.m. at the Thomas E. McMillan Museum on the Brewton campus of JDCC.
The public is invited to attend and bring an item of historical interest.
Softball registration begins in March
Girls fast pitch softball registration for Atmore Babe Ruth League will be at Elite Sporting Goods, 216 N. Main St, on any of the following mornings: March 10, 17, or 24 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Birth certificates are required for first time players. Girls ages 8 -16 and costs are $45.
For exercise, skill developments, and just plain fun, come join us and your friends and make some new ones!
Also seeking coaches and volunteers. $10 refund to those who volunteer.
Martinville Baptist Homecoming April 1
Pastor Sonny Willingham and congregation invite everyone to Homecoming on Sunday, April 1 at Martinville Baptist Church. Morning message at 11 a.m. will be followed by dinner on the grounds and an afternoon singing featuring Caleb Dennis and Friends, The Gloryland Singers and other local talent.
From Atmore, take Hwy. 21 north, go right on Martinville Loop or Martinville Circle and the church is on the right.
For more information, call Evie Baggett 251-368-4505 or Arelene Mack 251-368-8638.
JDCC ballroom dance lessons begin in April
Jefferson Davis Community College will host ballroom dance lessons.
Beginning Social Rumba will start Thursday, March 8 through Thursday, April 12. Times will be from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Beginning Social Cha-Cha will start Tuesday, March 6 through Tuesday, April 10. Times will be from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
All classes will last for six weeks.
For more information call JDCC at 867-4832 or Don Lanier at 867-2946.
Women's Conference slated in Andalusia
The inaugural South Alabama Women's Conference with Scarlett Bishop at Harrington Green Tree Christian Fellowship, Andalusia, Hwy 84 East on March 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. and 9:30 a.m.
For more information or to pre-register call 334-427-0023, 334-388-3128 or email at
– Relay for Life –
The event will feature games and food.
Call 368-2500 for more information.
For more information or to order an angel call 368-4273.
Stop by the bank to register.
If you would like a community event published please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to