Rainfall greatly needed in county
Published 10:24 pm Wednesday, April 4, 2007
By Staff
Our View
Because of the recent fires that have occurred throughout Escambia County, the rain that fell over the weekend was much needed and appreciated by Atmore and other Escambia County fire officials, as well as the Alabama Forestry Department.
Although the weather was nasty on Sunday and may have startled area residents with huge claps of the thunder and bright streaks of lightning, the precipitation was needed to keep the land from becoming so dry and becoming prone to quick blazes.
When rainfall doesn't occur, fires have a better chance of arising from doing everyday tasks, such as burning debris out of our backyards. Even a half-lit cigarette butt can start a fire.
With such an extensive weather event, the burn ban that was issued throughout Atmore and the surrounding areas nearly two weeks ago has been lifted. Just because the ban is lifted does not mean we can all go wild and start burning all our unwanted rubbish.
We still need to be careful, using all precautions and informing the fire department of any burning occurring because unless more rain occurs, fires could easily take place and the burn ban may be issued again.
Not only was the rain necessary to keep Atmore's land from burning, it was also important in order to keep Atmore beautiful.
The growth of plants and the amount of rainfall that occurs is correlated. When there is more moisture in the air, plants open special cells, which allow them to trap moisture and increase carbon dioxide intake, which is what plants need to survive.
In order to keep Atmore the beautiful town that we all love and adore, we need rainfall. So don't complain the next time you have to take out your umbrella.