Calendar of Events
Published 10:44 pm Wednesday, April 11, 2007
By Staff
Atmore letting bids for garbage truck
The Atmore City Council agreed Monday afternoon to put out bids for a new garbage truck to replace the city's aging refuse collector.
– Staff Reports
Gulf Winds still accepting donations
Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union is still accepting monetary donations for the tornado victims in Enterprise. Donations can be made at the Atmore branch or the branches in Pensacola and Milton, Fla.
Donations can also be mailed to: Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union, 220 East 9 Mile Rd., Pensacola, Fla. 32534.
VFW to recognize Huxford alumni
Huxford School Alumni will be recognized at the VFW's Friday Night Dance, April 13.
Finger food will be provided, so all Huxford School Alumni come join the fun and dance from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. or until the fun ends – all for a donation of $5 per person.
You may even meet the oldest Huxford School alumnus who was the first to enter there.
– Staff Reports
Canoe Civic Club meeting April 12
The Canoe Civic Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. April 12 for its regular meeting and covered-dish dinner at the Civic Club Building.
All residents and people interested in Canoe are invited to attend.
Friendship luncheon April 12 at David's
McCullough Friendship Luncheon will be held April 12 at 11 a.m. at David's Catfish House.
Historical Society Yard Sale April 14
The Atmore Historical Society will host a yard sale at the Peavy-Webb building on South Main Street in Heritage Park April 14 beginning at 8 a.m. Included in the sale will be books, nick-nacks and gently-used household items. Proceeds from the sale will go toward helping preserve Atmore's past for future generations. Shoppers are asked to park along Trammel Street where it bisects the center of Heritage Park. Should those parking spaces be filled, over-flow (morning only) traffic should consider parking in the lot adjacent to St. Robert Bellarmine's Catholic Church and walking the short distance to the sale.
The AHS receives no city, state or national funding. Their primary income is derived from membership dues and the sale of Christmas ornaments. For more information on the Atmore Historical Society contact AHS President Byard Swift at 229-2299.
Turtle Point celebrates Earth Month April 14
Please join the Turtle Point Staff as we celebrate "Earth Month" April 14 from 9 a.m. until noon.
There will be many activities for both children and parents. Children will be able to participate in several activities including butterfly and amphibian metamorphosis art activities and bird watching. The adult program consists of presentations on Turtle Point's Discovering Alabama in Your Own Backyard, BBUG Project.
All visitors will enjoy a live animals "show" and will be able to touch live animals, tour the Center, gardens, and boardwalk. Please call our office for further details.
Turtle Point Science Center is located at 20959 Hwy 31, Flomaton. For more information call 296-3401.
Atmore Garden Club plant sale April 14
The Atmore Garden Club will hold it's annual plant sale April 14 from 7 a.m. until noon. The sale will be held in Juanita Smith's front lawn on South Main Street.
Chamber Mayfest Idol contestants needed
The Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce will host Mayfest Idol sponsored by The Atmore Advance and the grand prize winner will receive $500.
Open auditions will be April 21 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Atmore Area YMCA and Community Center. There will be a $10 audition fee for those who choose to participate.
Those who make it through the open auditions will move into the Hollywood round, which will take place May 4, the time and location TBA.
The 12 who make it through the Hollywood round will perform at Mayfest on May 5 and the winner will go home with $500.
Coalition meeting April 21 at ACH
The April Coalition Meeting will be held at 7 a.m. on April 21 at Atmore Community Hospital. Rep. Alan Baker will be the guest speaker.
Barnes' Boys gather April 21 at David's
The Barnes' Boys, Friends and Associates Gathering will be held April 21 at David's Catfish House at 12:30 p.m.
The Barnes Boys are a self-titled group of men who played football at Escambia County High School for (the late) Coach Herbert Barnes.
For more information, contact event organizer Walter Welch at
Calvary Baptist Temple revival
Calvary Deliverance Baptist Temple on Hwy. 97 will have revival beginning April 22 at 7 p.m. The Rev. Preston Haddock from Bonifay, Fla, will be the guest speaker.
There will also be a special singing.
Little Rock Holiness homecoming April 22
On April 22, the Little Rock Holiness Church will hold its annual homecoming. The church is located near Sardine Bridge on Highway 27. Glenn Sullivan will be the morning speaker. The Harmonaries will be singing in the afternoon. A covered dish lunch will be at noon. Highway 27 is now named the Robinsonville Road, at #9310.
Atmore Apostolic Fun Day April 28
Atmore Apostolic Church will host its annual Family Fun Day on April 28.
Concerned Citizens hosting shoe drive
The Concerned Citizens of Atmore will be holding a shoe drive to benefit Alabama's foster children March 18 through April 12. The group needs 6,000 pairs of shoes. Volunteers are also needed to help pick up shoes or shoes can be dropped off at the Atmore YMCA. The Concerned Citizens will be celebrating National Foster Care Month in Montgomery May 1.
For more information contact Sandra Gray at 251-368-6023 or 251-545-9567 or call Edna Robinson at 251-368-5350.
RPES kindergarten registration in April
Kindergarten registration for Rachel Patterson Elementary School will be held April 13 and April 26 from 8 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Please have the following papers to register your child:
Students must be 5 years old by September 1 to enter school.
Atmore area kids and families are urged to "Put Play in Your Day" at YMCA Healthy Kids Day April 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Atmore Area YMCA. The event is free and open to the public. Activities will include games, races, a jumper, dancing, demonstrations and just plain FUN.
For more information call The YMCA at 368-9622 or visit us at 501 S. Pensacola Ave.
PCI basket weaving classes begin April 26
Poarch Creek basket weaving is back by popular demand. The PCI Education Dept. will be offering beginning and intermediate basket classes to all Tribal Members, 1st generation descent, and Tribal employees (ages 9 and up). To be in the intermediate classes, you must have already taken the beginning classes.
Mvskoke Creek pottery classes are also available with the same class requirements as the basket classes.
Classes start April 26, space is limited so sign up now!
Contact Alex Alvarez to sign up at 251-368-9136, ext. 2240.
Nursing scholarships offered by Auxiliary
The Atmore Community Hospital Auxiliary is offering two scholarships to qualified applicants for education in a medical-related field.
Applicants may be high-school graduates or people presently working in a medical field who wish to further their education. Applications are available in the gift shop of the hospital and must be returned by April 27 to be considered.
JDCC ballroom dance lessons begin in April
Jefferson Davis Community College will host ballroom dance lessons.
Beginning Social Rumba will be from March 8 until April 12. Times will be from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Beginning Social Cha-Cha will be from March 6 until April 10. Times will be from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
For more information call JDCC at 867-4832 or Don Lanier at 867-2946.
Penton-Mitchell families needed
In an effort to identify unmarked grave sites in the historical burial ground, the Milton Cemetery Board is attempting to locate descendants of the J.S. Penton family (early 1900s), and a Mitchell family (1914). After posting a public notice, the Cemetery can declare the empty plots "abandoned" and put them up for resale.
If anyone can help locate descendants of the two families, please contact Manager Bill Bledsoe at 850-686-1111 or 850-623-4649, or write to:
Milton Cemetery, P.O. Box 909, Milton, Fla. 32572.
YoungLife Helicopter Golf Ball Drop May 5
The Atmore Area YoungLife proudly presents the inaugural Helicopter Golf Ball Drop to be May 5 at 5 p.m. This amazing event will benefit high school students in this and the surrounding communities who want to attend YoungLife Camp. Up to 500 consecutively numbered golf balls will be available for a donation of $25 each, however you may receive five golf balls for $100. These golf balls will be dropped from a helicopter hovering over a targeted hole. If your golf ball goes into the hole or is the closet to it, you will win up to $2,500!
YoungLife provides healthy, creative fun and aims to keep kids safe. From weekly clubs to seasonal camping experiences to daily outings with leaders, YoungLife is known around the world and in this community as the organization that knows how to have fun!
This year's YoungLife camp will be held at Windy Gap in North Carolina from June 9 – June 17. This will be the "the best week of their lives" or their money back. We also ask for donations to provide these students with this opportunity of a life time.
To receive your golf balls or to get more information, contact Chad Green at 251-446-1188.
First Pentecostal revival April 30
First Pentecostal Church, 111 Dawes Street, will hold a revival from April 30 through May 4 at 7:30 p.m. nightly.
Everyone is invited. Speakers for the week are: Monday, Pastor Mary America; Tuesday, Evangelist Cindy Stott; Wednesday – Friday, Prophetess Lola Moore.
Brewton Biker Bash slated for May 5
The second annual Brewton Biker Bash sponsored by Covenant Hospice will take place from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. May 5 at Burnt Corn Park located in Brewton.
The Biker Bash includes a bike show, vendors, music from the Sweet Loving Daddy band, food, prize draws and a 50-50 drawing. Admission is free and the public is welcome to attend.
For those participating in the bike show, the cost is $10 per entry. The bike show will take place from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Memorial service slated April 14
There will be a memorial service held for Mary Vaughn at Lottie United Methodist Church April 14 at 11 a.m.
– Relay for Life –
Those in attendance will have the opportunity to sample each salad prepared for the event for a minimum donation of $10.
The cost per person is $75, which includes lunch. Hole sponsors are also needed for a cost of $50.
For more information contact Sue Dortch at 368-9654.
For more information or to order an angel call 368-4273.
Stop by the bank to register.
If you would like a community event published in The Atmore Advance please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to