Calendar of Events
Published 12:06 am Wednesday, May 2, 2007
By Staff
City animal control agreement reached
Atmore's animal control woes have been resolved.
Friday afternoon, during a rescheduled meeting, members of the city council unanimously agreed to give Escambia County Humane Society control of taking in stray animals and running the city's facility.
"Our services include stray pick up and also allow animal surrenders to come into our building," Rene Jones, director of the Humane Society of Escambia County, said. "We have been providing 24-hour, seven-day a week emergency on-call service. We also set traps, pretty much anything that deals with animal services"
Brewton, East Brewton, Flomaton and the county all have agreements with the Humane Society.
In other business, the council:
Mass choir practice slated for May 12
Mass choir is being formed to perform at Atmore's Centennial Celebration. The choir is open to ages 16 and up. No childcare will be provided.
The final practice will be held at Deliverance Ministry at 6:30 p.m. on May 12.
Penton-Mitchell families needed
In an effort to identify unmarked grave sites in the historical burial ground, the Milton Cemetery Board is attempting to locate descendants of the J.S. Penton family (early 1900s), and a Mitchell family (1914). After posting a public notice, the Cemetery can declare the empty plots "abandoned" and put them up for resale.
If anyone can help locate descendants of the two families, please contact Manager Bill Bledsoe at 850-686-1111 or 850-623-4649, or write to:
Milton Cemetery, P.O. Box 909, Milton, Fla. 32572.
First Pentecostal revival ends May 4
First Pentecostal Church, 111 Dawes Street, will hold a revival from April 30 through May 4 at 7:30 p.m. nightly.
Everyone is invited. Speakers for the week are: Monday, Pastor Mary America; Tuesday, Evangelist Cindy Stott; Wednesday – Friday, Prophetess Lola Moore.
McCullough Friendship anniversary May 5
McCullough Friendship Anniversary Luncheon to be held at 11 a.m at the Stagecoach Cafe in Stockton on May 5.
Carl Ray Turberville benefit will be May 5
A benefit for Carl Ray Turberville to help family with final expenses is going to be held May 5, at the Rabun Arena in Rabun.
There will be fish dinners sold, raffle for a shotgun and rifle, horseshoe tournament and more fun for the whole family.
Turberville was a resident of Perdido and a native of Uriah. He was the father of Stacie Hyatt and Brian Turberville.
This benefit is being sponsored by friends and family. Come join us for a family fun day.
Florida kindergarten registration begins
New kindergarten students enrolling in the Escambia County School District (Fla.) may start to register May 1, at the school which serves their home address. Students who will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2007 are eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2007-2008 school years. First grade students, by state mandate, must have completed a kindergarten program and be six years old on or before Sept. 1, 2007.
At the time of registration, parents need to bring the child's birth certificate and social security card. Proof of residence, such as an electric bill or rent receipt, is required.
Telephone and cable bills are not acceptable.
Prior to enrollment in school, students registering for the first time in the Escambia County School District (Fla.) must have a Florida Blue Card from the health department or physician. An original copy of your child's school physical should be presented to the school by the first day of school.
Women's Club raffling off carpet at Mayfest
The Atmore Women's Club will be raffling a 5 x 8 area carpet donated by Masland during Mayfest 2007 this Saturday.
Raffle tickets may be purchased in advance from any club member or at the Atmore Women's Club booth for $1 each or six for $5. The winning ticket will be drawn at 4 p.m. at the Gazebo Stage during Mayfest.
The winner does not have to be present to win.
YoungLife Helicopter Golf Ball Drop May 5
The Atmore Area YoungLife proudly presents the inaugural Helicopter Golf Ball Drop to be May 5 at 5 p.m. This amazing event will benefit high school students in this and the surrounding communities who want to attend YoungLife Camp. Up to 500 consecutively numbered golf balls will be available for a donation of $25 each, however you may receive five golf balls for $100. These golf balls will be dropped from a helicopter hovering over a targeted hole. If your golf ball goes into the hole or is the closet to it, you will win up to $2,500!
YoungLife provides healthy, creative fun and aims to keep kids safe. From weekly clubs to seasonal camping experiences to daily outings with leaders, YoungLife is known around the world and in this community as the organization that knows how to have fun!
This year's YoungLife camp will be held at Windy Gap in North Carolina from June 9-17. This will be the "the best week of their lives" or their money back. We also ask for donations to provide these students with this opportunity of a life time.
To receive your golf balls or to get more information, contact Chad Green at 251-446-1188.
Pine Barren Church Homecoming May 6
Pine Barren Church located in Davisville off of Highway 4, will be hosting their 155th Homecoming Celebration on May 6 beginning at 10 a.m.
Speaker will be Brother Mike Harper and special music guest will be Gloryland singers and Michael Peterson.
Dinner will be served on the grounds and a singing and service will be held in the afternoon.
Geography of the Holy Land Monday nights
The First Assembly of God Berean School of the Bible Study Center will begin a new study course on "Geography of the Holy Land" on Monday nights at 5:30 p.m.
The first class will begin May 7. This will be a four-week course. Anyone interested should call the church office at 368-4637.
Cost for the course is $122. There is an additional $20 charge for first time students.
Bryars family reunion May 5 in Perdido
The Bryars family reunion will be held at the original home place of Anthony and Elizabeth McGill Bryars at 21430 Hoyle Bryars Road in Perdido May 5 for all their descendants. Their children were Hubert, Hoyle, Carlton, Derwood, Carroll, Merle and Myrtle. All friends and relatives of the people listed are invited.
For more information call 251-937-6798 or 251-666-1165. Everyone please bring a covered dish and lawn chairs. Games and musical instruments also.
Moyeville Baptist revival May 6-10
Moyeville Baptist Church located at 10685 Upper Creek Road at the Stanley Crossroads Community near Flomaton will observe Homecoming and begin Revival Services May 6-10.
Evangelist David Sheppard of Laural, Miss. is the guest evangelist. The Master's Men Quartet will be in concert at 10:15 a.m. and then again in the afternoon on Sunday, May 6.
Service will begin Sunday morning at 10 a.m. followed by lunch and an afternoon of music. There will be no evening service on Sunday night. Revival services will continue at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Plan to come and bring some family and friends with you!
For more information call James Pugh, Pastor, 251-296-4907.
Nokomis VFD fish fry scheduled for May 12
The Nokomis Volunteer Fire Department will hold its Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser May 12, from 11 to 2 Saturday at the Fire Station located at 163 James Road.
The cost is $6 a plate. The proceeds will be used towards turn-out gear and equipment purchases. All residents and surrounding communities are asked to please attend.
Contact Wayne Hubbard at 368-5800 if you need more information.
Zion Star AME Church special held May 20
Zion Star AME Church located at 127 Carver St. invites the community to worship with them in their annual Men and Women Day services scheduled for 3 p.m. on May 20.
The Rev. Humphrey Shuford, pastor.
Robinsonville Baptist homecoming May 20
Robinsonville Baptist Church will hold its Homecoming on Sunday, May 20. It will begin with special music at 10:30 a.m. The service will begin at 11 a.m., followed by a covered dish luncheon. The theme will be "One Day Revival".
The Rev. Mike McMorris and the congregation invite you to join the church for this special event.
ACH GoldenCare osteoporosis seminar
Atmore Community Hospital GoldenCare will present a seminar on osteoporosis May 23 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Mayson Auditorium.
Dr. Christopher O'Grady, orthopedic surgeon for Andrew's Orthopedic and Sports Medicine, will provide information and education on prevention, treatment and diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Often called a 'silent disease' because bone loss occurs without symptoms, osteoporosis affects more than 44 million Americans a year. Women represent 80 percent of those affected. Risk factors for osteoporosis include low bone mass, family history, sex, hormone deficiency and an inactive lifestyle. There are several steps to take in prevention including bone density testing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but most importantly knowing and understanding your risks.
For reservations, please call (251) 368-6397.
YoungLife garage sale slated for May 11-12
Atmore YoungLife will hold a garage sale from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. on May 11-12 at the old Apple Barrel building located at 326 N. Main St.
Toys, games, furniture, Christmas decorations, kitchen items (pots and pans, dishes, glasses, appliances), linens, filing cabinets and lots and lots more will be for sale.
All proceeds will go directly to benefit Atmore kids for them to go to Camp in June.
GWFCU accepting recovery donations
Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union is still accepting monetary donations for the tornado victims in Enterprise. Donations can be made at the Atmore branch or the branches in Pensacola and Milton, Fla.
Donations can also be mailed to: Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union, 220 East 9 Mile Rd., Pensacola, Fla. 32534.
PCI offering various free classes in May
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians Family Services Department is offering FREE classes to tribal members, their families and to the surrounding communities. If you are interested in any of the classes listed below, please call the Family Services Department at 251-368-9136 ext. 2600 and register, you can attend one or all the classes at no charge.
The tribe encourages anyone with a family member who is elderly or disabled to attend.
Below is a listing of the classes:
May 22
5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. – General Caregiver Overview, Carolyn M. White, MSQ, LCSW
6:45 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. – Social Security/ Medicaid and Medicare- Delila Anderson, BSCM
May 24
5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. – Healthy Foot Care- Donna Johnson, RN
6:45 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. – Nutritional Needs- Marsha Finley, MS, RD, LDCDE
May 29
5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. – Home Health Needs (Medical Aspects) – Pat Franklin, BSN, RN
May 30
5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. – Respite Care- Donna Madden, LBSW
6:45 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. – Effective Communication: Dementia and Alzheimer's – Covenant Hospice
May 31
5:30 p.m. until 6:30p.m. – Planning and Decision Making- Delila Anderson, BSCM
6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. – Final review and certificates
Most certificates will be given after each class; also Continuing Education Units (CEU) will be given to those who request them for certain classes.
Classes will be held in the Family Services Resource Center, Building 500, 5811 Jack Springs Road, Atmore.
First Assembly will offer Spanish in June
First Assembly of God will hold a Conversational Spanish Class on Monday nights at 5:30 starting June 18. The class will go through July 23. Cost of the class is $12 for the book.
Military Ambassador Volunteer Program
Covenant Hospice is seeking volunteers with military backgrounds to serve as members of its new Military Ambassador Volunteer Program. This new program will provide outreach and education for community members that are active, reserve, discharged or retired military personnel. The purpose of Covenant Hospice's new program is to make sure that all veterans receive comprehensive, compassionate care at the end of life.
The role of the Military Ambassador Volunteer is to visit local military and veteran sites providing personal contacts and educational material. Ambassadors will be asked to speak to veteran groups and to meet with individuals in informal settings. Covenant Hospice will provide those interested with training at 11 a.m. May 10 at the Covenant Hospice Brewton branch office, located at 1023 Douglas Ave., Suite 204. Lunch will be provided, but registration is required by May 7.
There are over 25 million veterans across the nation. The Gulf Coast has one of the largest populations of veterans with approximately 1.8 million. The VA Hospice and Palliative Care Initiative (VAHPC), which began in 2001, has helped to improve veterans' access to hospice and palliative care services with in the VA and in the community. Due to their service, veterans often have special needs at the end of life.
For more information about the new Military Volunteer Program, or to become a volunteer please contact Jodie Williams, volunteer services manager, at Covenant Hospice 251-867-6993.
Daniel, Danile reunion will be held May 19
The annual family reunion of the descendants of Thomas Jefferson Daniel and Christiana Stabler Danile will be held May 19 at Claude D. Kelley State Park. Please try to think of a story or a memory that you would like to share with the group regarding family history. A pot luck luncheon will be served at noon. Also, bring an inexpensive item to be given away for a door prize.
If you would like a community event published in The Atmore Advance please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to