Jean Wilson worships the Lord through visiting the elderly
Published 4:31 am Thursday, July 5, 2007
By Staff
Senior Living
(This week The Atmore Advance spotlights 67-year-old Jean Wilson. Wilson enjoys camping in her mini motor home with her husband, Charles. She has spent several years working with both children and adults through daycare and visiting shut ins. Wilson said she loves to work for the Lord and that it is one of the the most important things to her.)
Q: When and where were you born?
A: I was born in Brewton on May 13, 1940. I moved to Atmore when I was 8.
Q: Who were your parents?
A: Frank and Bessie Kent. They were from Brewton.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: I have two brothers and one sister – Jerry Kent in Brewton, Ronnie Kent in Menlo, Ga. and Bonnie Shiver in Satsuma.
Q: Where did you attend high school and college?
A: I went to McCall through the first grade and half of the second. I came to Atmore, Rachel Patterson, until the eighth grade then moved to Ernest Ward and graduated from there.
Q: Do you do a lot of traveling?
A: Yes, we have a mini motor home and we travel. We just recently joined a camping club. I've done a lot of traveling. My husband, Charles, and I have been to just about every state in the United States. Colorado is my favorite state. And, we go to the mountains every year in the fall.
Q: What jobs have you held?
A: I worked at a daycare on 8th Ave. I worked there probably about 40 years. And I worked at the preschool for nine years at First Baptist Church. I retired from there, I taught 4-year-old children. I worked at Ace Hardware two years. I taught Sunday school for 35 years at the First Assembly of God in Atmore. I also taught the missionettes for 30 years. Now, I visit the shut-in and the nursing home and hospital once a week.
I just love working for the Lord. My goal in life is to bless others. I am planning on going on a mission trip to Honduras with the church.
Q: Did you ever marry?
A: I have been married to Charles Wilson for 41 years.
Q: Do you have any children or grandchildren?
A: Two sons – Dale and Shannon. Dale is an Assembly of God preacher in Jacksonville and Shannon does construction work around here. I have one granddaughter – Katelyn Jade. She's 5 years old and is the joy of our lives.
Q: Where do you attend church?
A: First Assembly, I've been going there for 48 years.
Q: What keeps you busy these days?
A: Going camping and coming to the senior citizen things, going to the Senior Olympics, I won second in the softball throw, table tennis and Nerfball. I enjoy playing games at the SAIL center and visiting the shut ins.
Q: What's your favorite TV show?
A: "The Price is Right."
Q: What's your favorite movie?
A: "Steel Magnolias."
Q: What advice would you like to give people on staying healthy?
A: Walking and staying active and believing in God's word.
(If you would like to recommend a senior to be spotlighted please contact Adrienne McKenzie at 368-2123 or e-mail her at