Take care, Atmore
Published 11:33 am Wednesday, October 10, 2007
By By Adrienne McKenzie
It's almost that time again when coughing, sneezing, tiredness and achy bodies tend to take over our worlds. Yes, it is almost flu season.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States flu season begins in November and lasts until early spring.
Having the flu is not something any of us hope for so I hope by writing my column about safety tips that I am not cursing myself to a winter of sickness. However, there are things individuals can look out for and if these symptoms occur, visiting a doctor if not a bad idea. The main symptoms of the flu, according to the CDC, is fever, chills, a dry cough, achy muscles and extreme exhaustion.
Although some of us may feel the extreme exhaustion and achy muscles after a long day at work, most of the time we will know if we are beginning to get sick.
The flu is caused by a virus and is incredibly contagious. The CDC says people can catch the flu from a person before they even feel sick.
Because we live in a world where things are not always fair, we may still have to go to work while we aren't feeling well or we may have to work with others who are infected with the flu.
Flu shots are available for everyone and everyone should get one once a year and October and November are the key times to go and get a shot.
It is important to research the shot before getting one, however. Some people who are allergic to a component of the vaccine should not take it. Also, if you are already sick, it is important to become healthy again before getting the flu shot.
It is hard to determine between a cold and the flu. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says there are key differences between the two.
And, because even though we may take every step possible to not catch the flu, including getting a flu shot, we may still catch the nasty bug. So, the American Pharmaceutical Association came up with some remedies to help us feel better when feeling under the weather.
I hope nobody gets sick this flu season although it is inevitable. If you do get sick, please go see your doctor as soon as possible to prevent spreading the germs to your friends and family members! Happy flu season!
Adrienne McKenzie is a staff reporter for The Atmore Advance. She can be reached at 368-2123 or via email at lifestyles@atmoreadvance.com