Another case of Republicans selective justice
Published 12:22 pm Monday, October 22, 2007
By By Foster Kizer
A recent "TIME Magazine" article (Oct. 15, 2007) outlined another case of Republican selective justice in the recent trial and conviction of former Gov. Don Siegelman.
According to the article, Clayton Young Jr., a lobbyist and landfill developer, paid 10s of thousands of dollars in apparently illegal campaign contributions to some big name Alabama Republicans and Democrats. Two of the Republican recipients of these contributions were Sen. Jeff Sessions and Attorney General Bill Pryor Jr. Siegelman also received contributions from Young.
I find it rather odd that none of the Republicans whose campaigns he contributed to were investigated or prosecuted. The "TIME" article further states that 44 former state attorneys general (both Republican and Democrat) have cited "irregularities" in the investigation and prosecution of Gov. Siegelman.
The transcripts from this trial should add fuel to the charges that the Bush Administration pursued selective justice in this case. It is rather odd that Leura Canary, the U.S. Attorney whose office drove Siegleman's prosecution, is married to Bill Canary, Alabama's most prominent Republican operative and longtime friend of Karl Rove. In May an Alabama lawyer and Republican activist named Dana Simpson gave a notarized statement that she heard Canary say that Karl Rove "Had spoken with the Department of Justice" about "pursing" Siegleman, with help from two of Alabama's Republican U.S. Attorneys.
Now to me this sounds just like a case of political assassination by the Republican Party who could not stand the fact that Alabama had a Democratic Governor, while having Republican Senators and Congressmen.
I have written to Representative Alan Baker and asked that he pursue a state investigation into the illegal contributions received by Senator Sessions and Bill Pryor. If Governor Siegleman was tried and convicted of this crime, so should Sessions and Pryor be tried and convicted. What is good foe the goose should also be good for the gander. I encourage the readers of this newspaper to contact Rep. Baker and insist that an investigation be opened into this miscarriage of justice.
Foster Kizer is owner of Royal Oaks Bed &Breakfast. He can be reached at 368-8722.