Calendar of Events
Published 6:38 pm Tuesday, January 22, 2008
By Staff
Young Life invites public to banquet
A special invitation is extended to the community to attend the Atmore Young Life Fundraising Banquet on Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Atmore Area YMCA &Community Center. A catered dinner will be provided at no cost.
If you would like to attend, call Linda Parsons at 446-1610 or 368-3271 as soon as possible to reserve your place. There is limited seating so the RSVP deadline is Feb. 1.
This is your chance to learn more about the ministry of Young Life to the kids of the Atmore community and meet the leaders.
– Staff Reports
FNB&T Relay team offers photo session
First National Bank &Trust is selling tickets to Glamour Magic. The photo sessions will be held Feb. 6-9 at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $9.95 each for the session and an 8X10 photo. Hair and makeup are provided. Glamour Magic will call for session times.
For more information, call 368-3148 to purchase tickets.
– Staff Reports
Atmore Baptist Temple hosts event
Atmore Baptist Temple will host a revival meeting with evangelist David Young Jan. 20-23. Sunday's meetings will be held at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday-Wednesday meetings will be held at 7 p.m. nightly. Atmore Baptist Temple is located at 1707 S. Main St.
For more information, call 368-8282.
Historical Society will meet Jan. 21
The Atmore Historical Society will meet at 6 p.m. Jan. 21 at the PD Webb Building.
Workshops scheduled for poll workers
A poll worker's workshop will be held Jan. 22 at the Atmore City Hall at 1 p.m.
NAACP meeting scheduled for Jan. 22
The first meeting of the year of the NAACP Chapter No. 5027 will be held Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at the PCRC Building, Houston Avery Park.
Contact president Ted McNeal with any questions 251-368-6521.
ECHS ROTC hosts Icebreaker Drill
The inaugural Icebreaker Drill meet will also be held at ECHS on Jan. 23. Several Army JROTC and Navy JROTC teams from southwest Alabama are coming to the school for the first time. Opening ceremonies will be held in the school's auditorium at about 9 a.m. and will carry on throughout the day in the old gym. The awards ceremony will be held in the old gym around 1:30 p.m.
Library to hold board meeting Jan. 24
The Atmore Public Library is having a board meeting on Jan. 24 at 4 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
Commission meeting scheduled for Jan. 28
Please take notice that the Escambia County Commission will conduct and adjourned regular session on Monday, Jan. 28, 2008 at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Chambers, Room 201 at the Escambia County Courthouse in Brewton. The Administrative workshop will be held Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
Dialysis center hosts class on Jan. 29
There will be a Key Kidney Class Jan. 29 at 3 p.m. at Atmore Davita Dialysis Center, 807 E. Craig St. This class is for pre-dialysis and dialysis patients.
For more information call 368-5593.
Kelley's offers two classes this month
Kelley's Ambulance Service is offering two classes this month:
You must pre-register for these classes a week in advance. Classes will meet at 21 N. Main St. For more information, call 368-5915.
Trinity hosts pancake supper on Feb. 5
Trinity Episcopal Church will sponsor a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Feb. 5 at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The cost is $3 per person. The supper will be held in the parish hall next to the church.
Monroe Co. museum hosts seminars
The Monroe County Heritage Museums will host the seventh annual genealogy seminar featuring Elizabeth Wells, special collections librarian at Samford University. Topics will include preservation of church records, learning other sources that contain church data and the importance of church records for the organization and the researcher.
The seminar will be held at the Old Courthouse Museum Feb. 2. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the program is from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Admission is $20 per person.
For more information, please contact Shannon Hall Jones at the Monroe County Heritage Museums at (251) 575-7433.
Beth Moore study slated Feb. 5-6
The First Presbyterian Church invites the community to participate in Beth Moore's newest Bible study, Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent to be held at the First Presbyterian Church in Atmore, beginning Feb. 5 at 9:30 a.m. and Feb. 6 at 3:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided for the Tuesday morning sessions only. The seven-week study includes an introductory session and six weekly group sessions. The group will meet weekly to discuss the assignments and view Moore's video lectures.
For more information or to register, call Jan Rice at 368-8091.
Primary election will be held Feb. 5
Escambia County will hold a Presidential Primary Election Feb. 5 for the purpose of determining who will represent the Republican and Democratic Party in the General Election in November. This election will be held at the regular polling places and the voting hours will be 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Turtle Point hosts BBUG program
It's BBUG time again at Turtle Point. Turtle Point is inviting parents and guardians of kindergarten through fifth grade students to submit an application for the free BBUG (Building Backyard Urban Greenspaces) Program.
If you would like an application emailed to you, please send an email to with "BBUG" in the subject line. Call (251) 296-3401 to get an application by mail or to pick one up. Space is limited. We will be accepting applications for the BBUG Program through Feb. 8.
Symposium slated Feb. 7 in Brewton
From Folk Rock to Americana and all the genres in between, the Songwriters' Symposium provides the individual(s) the opportunity to showcase songwriting and musical abilities. The Songwriters' Symposium is held the first Thursday of each month and features various regional artists. Tickets are $10 at the door; gourmet munchies and drinks are also included with ticket purchase. Band Merchandise and music will be for sale and ready to be autographed! Doors open at 5 p.m. on Feb. 7 at The Hourglass in downtown Brewton.
To audition, contact Ashley Dawn at 850-698-1450 for the next audition date.
Canoe church hosts revival Feb. 10-13
Canoe Baptist Church will host a revival Feb. 10-13 at 7 p.m. nightly. Evangelist William Blackburn will be the guest speaker. Pastor is the Rev. John Stacey.
FNB selling tickets to Glamour Magic
First National Bank &Trust is selling tickets to Glamour Magic. The photo sessions will be held Feb. 6-9 at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $9.95 each for the session and an 8X10 photo. Hair and makeup are provided. Glamour Magic will call for session times.
For more information, call 368-3148.
Young Life hosts public banquet
A special invitation is extended to the community to attend the Atmore Young Life Fund Raising Banquet on Monday, Feb.18, 2008 at 6 p.m. at the Atmore Community Center (YMCA). A catered dinner will be provided at no cost. If you would like to come, please call Linda Parsons at 446-1610 or 368-3271 ASAP to reserve your place. There is limited seating so please call by the deadline February 1st. This is your chance to learn more about the ministry of Young Life to the kids of our community and meet the leaders.
If you would like a community event published in the Advance please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to