Letters to the Editor
Published 7:35 pm Wednesday, January 30, 2008
By Staff
Morgan rooting for Huckabee
It's crunch time! Super Tuesday falls on Feb. 5! Wouldn't it be great to put a real conservative…social and otherwise, in the White House!
I am unashamedly endorsing Mike Huckabee for President. I have researched each of the candidates, and I strongly feel Huckabee will be the best man for the job! The best man for America! The best man to help protect our family values!
There are those who called themselves morally/socially conservative in the past. Some in this present campaign have only developed their pro-life, pro-traditional marriage in recent years. Huckabee had embraced this moral stand throughout his life. He did not adopt his conservative positions simply because he is running for president. His positions on the issues DEFINE who he is.
I could give you many reasons why I support Mike Huckabee for President, but I know your time is valuable. I do encourage you to go to www.mikehuckabee.com and check him out for yourself.
The pressing need is MONEY! In order to compete, Gov. Huckabee needs contributions from the grassroots of America. That means you! I have set a goal of raising at least $100 for Gov. Huckabee. Please help me reach this goal. Surely it is time to do what we can to make a difference!
Please click on the following link and make a donation to the Huckabee campaign, www.mikehuckabee.com
Harlan Morgan
Ministry gives thanks
To The Atmore Community,
On behalf of the Atmore Area Christian Care Ministry (AACCM), I want to thank all of you for your tremendous response to our call for help in meeting the needs of those in the Atmore Area.
Your gifts of food and money helped us make the holidays a little better for those who were in need.
Since this is an ongoing ministry, we continue to solicit your prayers, gifts and service (volunteerism) in this coming year.
God Bless All of You,
The Rev. Dan Rhodes
AACCM Chairman
Board of Directors