Atmore area Young Life holds annual fundraiser
Published 9:15 pm Wednesday, February 20, 2008
By By Matthew Nascone
They were at it again Monday night.
The Atmore area Young Life ministry held its annual fund-raising banquet at the Atmore Area YMCA &Community Center for all of Atmore. Area director Chad Green said there were more than 100 people in attendance.
Gerod Grigor and Mark Wilson are Green’s good friends who are also a part of Young Life. They each talked to the crowd about their personal experiences with Young Life and how they have seen Atmore ministry help the local youth.
Wilson had a simple message for all in attendance.
During the banquet, right before the food was served, Hickory and Dickory of the Dock family interrupted the banquet with their performance for “Dancing with the Stars.” Hickory, a.k.a. Green, and Dickory, a.k.a. Grigor, burst onto the scene right as Grace Fellowship Church pastor Gene King finished blessing the food.
Green said the entertainment plus the powerful presentation of how two of the Atmore Young Lifers found Jesus Christ accomplished the goal of the banquet.
Green said the point of the mission is to expose a lot of people to Young Life and he said the goal was accomplished with the banquet Monday night, but the job is not done.
Another positive aspect of Monday’s event that Green pointed to was all the faces in the crowd.
Green did not make this banquet happen by himself and he knows this, so he wanted to let some people know how much he appreciated their help.
And the night would not have been complete without the second interruption from the Dock family when Dickory came out singing “money, money, money, moooney……..moooooooney” as Green was trying to close the evening. Following an apology for interrupting the evening, Dickory and Green hit the stage and did a dance number to Beyonce’s “Crazy in Love.”
The number had the crowd rolling in laughter.