Letter to the Editor
Published 12:32 am Sunday, March 30, 2008
By Staff
Atmore to begin Easter-to-Earth recycling campaign
Have you received your invitation? Most likely you will be getting one of the announcements distributed this week — a call to Celebrate Atmore Earth Day April 19. Our Easter-to-Earth-Day campaign is on.
It's been 38 years since the first Earth Day was inaugurated and lots of major accomplishments have been made to save our air and water from pollution. Recycling is a major factor in conservation. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
Now that the city has provided us a Recycle Depot, we no longer have to tote empty plastic milk jugs and water bottles out of state or out of the county to put them in a recycle bin. There are many residents of Atmore who have done that for years! Personally, I was astounded when I realized that.
Our little task force of volunteers is planning to celebrate Earth Day by focusing on the 38 years from 1970-2008. We will give a token of appreciation to the first 38 who come with recyclables on April 19 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. We would like to see some creative artwork on the topic of conservation, and so we will accept the first 38 pieces of art to place on display at the Atmore Public Library. You can get details about this at the library.
Contact me or any of our group to get more information.
Visit www.atmorerecyclenow.org. We have a nice Web page.
Letty Digmon
Spokesperson for Atmore Recycle Now