Senior Living
Published 12:53 am Wednesday, April 2, 2008
By Staff
Ken Kimball enjoys golfing, visiting Atmore SAIL Center
By Adrienne McKenzie
(This week The Atmore Advance spotlights 78-year-old Ken Kimball. Kimball enjoys watching “Everybody Loves Raymond” on TV and visiting the “friendly people” at the Atmore SAIL Center.)
Q: When and where were you born?
A: In Phoenix, Ariz. I never lived there much, my family moved to Greenwood and that’s where I grew up. I was born on June 26, 1929.
Q: Who were your parents?
A: Martha and Leroy Kimball. They called him “Ned.”
Q: What did your parents do for a living?
A: My mother was a housewife and she had odd jobs from time to time. He was a cotton broker.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: No brothers and no sisters.
Q: Where did you attend school?
A: I went to Greenwood High School and then Ole Miss.
Q: Do you do a lot of traveling?
A: Yea, much too much. This next week I’m going to Loganville, Ga. to visit one of my daughters. Another daughter is going to ride with me, rather I’m going to ride with her.
Q: Where did you work?
A: The last place was when I was a boat captain on the coast, out of Gulfport. I’ve been in the electrical supply business. I was in the Air Force for four years.
Q: When did you go into the Air Force?
A: In 1950. It was right at the beginning of the Korean War. I spent the whole time in the finance department.
Q: Where have you lived?
A: I started in New Orleans when I was really little. Then I went up to Greenwood all through high school. I went to Ole Miss and then the Air Force. I came back and went back to Ole Miss. I graduated from there in ‘56. I lived in Gulfport for 52 years. I’ve lived in Loganville and I moved here about a year-and-a-half ago.
Q: What do you like most about Atmore?
A: I like this place (the Atmore SAIL Center). It’s very economical to eat here and there are a lot of friendly people.
Q: Did you ever marry?
A: Yes I’ve been married. She died about six or seven years ago.
Q: Do you have children?
A: Yes. Three daughters, Martha, Helen and Lee. They live in Navarre, Loganville and Gulfport.
Q: Where do you attend church?
A: I’ve been to my daughter’s church in Loganville.
Q: What keeps you busy these days?
A: Nothing since I quit playing golf. I will start back when I get to Gulfport.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: It used to be “M*A*S*H” years ago. I liked that show “Cheers.” I like “Everybody Loves Raymond” now. And I like the History Channel.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: Lobster, if I have the choice.
Q: What advice would you like to give people on staying healthy?
A: To eat good. I got that from m y mother. If you have a good mother who knows about vitamins and eating good, that’s a good thing.
(If you would like to recommend a senior to be spotlighted please contact Adrienne McKenzie at 368-2123 or e-mail her at