Calendar of Events
Published 1:08 am Sunday, April 6, 2008
By Staff
Royal Oaks holds Business After Hours
The Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours will be held tomorrow from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Royal Oaks Bed &Breakfast, located at 5415 Hwy. 21 N.
Turkey federation starting in Atmore
National Wild Turkey Federation is starting a chapter in Atmore. The inaugural meeting/banquet will be held April 4 at the Atmore Country Club starting at 6:30 p.m. There will be a raffle, silent auction and door prizes.
For tickets or more information, contact Brandon James at 251-202-1405.
Young Life hosts rummage sale
Atmore Young Life will host a rummage sale April 4-5 from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. at 109 Ridgeley Street (next to Country Charms). The sale will help send Atmore kids to Young Life camp. There will be something for everyone at the event.
Wawbeek VFD yard sale April 5
The Wawbeek Volunteer Fire Department will be having a yard sale from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. on April 5 at the Wawbeek Fire House, located at 392 Sardis Church Road.
All proceeds raised will be used to buy Jaws-of-Life equipment. All donations are appreciated.
Church’s fish fry to be held April 5
Mt. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church’s pastor aide is sponsoring a fish fry dinner April 5 from 11 a.m. until. The fish fry dinner will be held at McCant’s Store, located on the corner of Carver Avenue and Ashley Street. The fish dinners include fish, two sides, bread and desert for $6. A fish sandwich will cost $4.
For more information, contact Mary Curry at 446-7459.
Cemetery meeting to be held April 5
The Lottie New Home Cemetery meeting will be held at 9 a.m. April 5 at 22555 Lottie New Home Cemetery Road. Family members and everyone are welcome.
Martinville Baptist homecoming April 6
Homecoming services will be held April 6 at Martinville Baptist Church located eight miles north of Atmore, just off Hwy. 21. Take Martinville Circle or Martinville Loop for about 1/8 mile and see the church on the right. Bro. Keith Langham will bring message with dinner immediately following on the grounds and afternoon singing by the Gloryland Singers and friends.
For more information, call Roy or Evie Baggett at 251-368-4505.
Temple Christian holding registration
Temple Christian Academy is now accepting enrollment in 4-year-old Kindergarten through 12th grade for the 2008-09 school year. Enrollment for each class will remain open until that class fills; however, registration for each class will be on a first come, first serve basis. Students enrolling for 4-year-old Kindergarten through first grade must be appropriate age to enter that grade by Sept. 1 to be admitted to that class.
If you have a child you are interested enrolling at Temple Christian Academy, you may contact the school at 368-8282, or you may drop by the school, which is located at 1707 S. Main St.
Lenox homecoming slated for April 6
Lenox Baptist Church will have homecoming April 6. Worship service will be at 10:45 a.m. with lunch to follow. Guest speaker will be Bro. Bubba Rolin. Musical guests will be Streets of Gold along with other local talent.
Church hosts Youth Day, revival services
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church invites you to worship during Youth Day and Revival Services. Youth Day will be April 6 at 3 p.m. The speaker will be the Rev. Charles Jones from First Baptist Church of McCullough and Mt. Rose Baptist in Atmore and Perdue Hill.
Revival will be April 7-11 at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Evangelist will be the Rev. Dion Culliver of New Pilgrim Baptist in River Falls.
Poarch to hold Career Day April 8
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians Education Department is extending an invitation to the community to attend a College Fair &Career Day scheduled for April 8 from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Family Services Auditorium.
Local community colleges, vocational colleges and local four-year colleges and universities will be on hand to talk with anyone who is considering taking classes online, weekend classes, night classes and regular daytime classes. The Tribe is also requesting the attendance of representatives from graduate programs that award master’s degrees, as well as, other types of graduate degrees.
Southern Company is sending a representative to provide information about careers with Southern Company and job opportunities that are currently available.
Tribal Enterprises and non-tribal businesses are invited to attend and represent their organization to inform the public about the job opportunities with their businesses.
For more information or to reserve a table for your information, contact Billie Jo McGhee at 368-9136 ext. 2243 or
Faith Church to hold revival April 9-11
Faith Church of God in Christ at 204 Robinson Drive in Atmore will hold revival from April 9-11 at 7 p.m. nightly. The speaker will be Evangelist Harris from Mobile.
NHS to hold Renaissance Fair
Northview High School will host The Renaissance Fair on April 12, from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the school, located at 4100 W Hwy. 4, Bratt, Fla.
Northview’s senior class will perform Shakespeare’s play Taming of the Shrew twice, at 2 p.m. and at 5:30 p.m. The fair will be full of thrilling activities for all ages: face painting, costume contest, sack races, obstacle course, jousting at the dreaded Barbarian pit, perhaps a trip to the daunting gallows and other activities. Turkey legs and other scrumptious foods and drinks will be available. $5 adult's admissions fee ($2 K-fifth grade; preschool is free).
The school is looking for a booth sponsor (for $30) and will sell their items. There will be a $50 prize for the best decorated booth.
Anyone interested in having a booth at the fair, contact Ms. Jernigan, Ms. Carroll or Ms. Blackburn in the English Department at Northview High School: (850) 327-6681.
Barnes Boys event slated for April 12
The annual gathering of the Barnes Boys will take place at David's Catfish House at noon on April 12. The former football players of Coach Herb Barnes and former ECHS cheerleaders and students meet in Atmore every year to honor the memory of their 1940s era coach, share a meal and enjoy each other’s company.
For more information, contact Walter Welch at
YMCA to host Healthy Kids Day
Kids and families from Atmore and the surrounding area are urged to “Put Play in Your Day” at YMCA Healthy Kids Day on April 12 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Atmore Area YMCA. The event is free and open to the public. Activities will include games, sports and fun. For more information, call 368-9622 or email
Free booklets from YMCA’s new HEALTHY FAMILY HOME