Calendar of Events
Published 2:40 am Monday, April 21, 2008
By Staff
Crowe to speak at Lions meeting today
J.D. Crowe, a political cartoonist at the Mobile Press-Register, will present the Atmore Lions Club program at today’s noon meeting. Using an overhead projector, Crowe is expected to show some of his more humorous work. The Lions Club meets at the Atmore Community Hospital on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
Poarch Relay ‘Walks Across Atmore’
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians’ Relay for Life team will host a “Walk Across Atmore” April 19 beginning at 9 a.m.
To join the event or sponsor a walker, contact team captain Gayle Johnson at 368-9136 ext. 2210.
Bike show, ride slated for April 19
Children’s Miracle Network Bike Show and Ride will be held at the Brewton WalMart on April 19. Show starts at 10 a.m. and the ride begins at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $15 for driver, $10 for rider (includes hot dog, chips and drink). All proceeds go to Children’s Miracle Network.
McKinley to host meet and greet
County Commission District 4 candidate Kevin McKinley will hold a meet and greet breakfast at the B and G Korner Store at the Jack Springs/McCullough crossroads on April 19 from 6:45 a.m. until 9 a.m.
All interested residents are invited to attend for this opportunity to meet the candidate, ask questions and enjoy this breakfast social. Call 446-3495 for details.
Garden Club hosts annual plant sale
The annual Garden Club plant sale will be held April 19 from 7 a.m. until. This will be held at Juanita Smith’s house, located at 1214 S. Main St.
Bay Springs hosts homecoming April 20
Bay Springs Full Gospel Church will have Homecoming April 20. Singing begins at 10 a.m. with Restoration and the Muscogee Boys. The message will begin at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Cornelius Phillips. Lunch will follow after the message and there will be singing in the afternoon. Bro. Lollie and congregation welcome everyone.
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians’ Relay for Life team will hold a “Mystery Dinner” April 22 at 6 p.m. in the Family Services Auditorium. Tickets for the event cost $10. Entertainment is being planned. See any team member of Thelma at the front desk for tickets.
Huxford to hold registration April 23
Huxford Elementary School will hold Kindergarten registration on April 23 from 8 a.m. until noon. Parents must bring birth certificate, social security card, blue immunization record and proof of residency. Please bring your child with you for testing. Children must be 5-years-old on, or before, Sept. 2.
Library board to meet April 24
The Atmore Public Library board will meet on April 24 at 4 p.m.
Mamie’s Chapel to hold benefit singing
Mamie’s Chapel will hold a benefit gospel singing April 26 beginning at 6 p.m.
This special invitation is extended to everyone to attend and enjoy this special praise service to Jesus Christ, or Savior. Refreshments will be served. Donations received will go towards the upkeep of Mamie’s Chapel and cemetery. Mamie’s Chapel is located at 72521 State Hwy 59 in Little River.
(For more information contact Ray Boone at (251-862-5289), Joe Billy Roberson (862-5226), Edith Cox (862-5327), Clayton “Doll” Boone Jr. (862-5480) or Wanda Peavy (862-5447)
Environment Day event slated April 26
Celebrate the Environment Day at Turtle Point Science Center on April 26, 2008 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more information, call (251) 296-3401 or email
Masters Men Quartet to sing April 26
Bethel United Methodist Church, located on Hwy. 21 will host The Masters Men Quartet, In Gospel concert, April 26 from 4 p.m. until 7p.m. There will be a free "rice and chicken dinner" for everyone.
Relay for Life slated for April 26 at ECHS
Atmore’s Relay for Life will be held April 26. The theme for this year’s event is “cancer has no borders” and will be held at Escambia County High School.
Friendly Holiness to host singing
There will be a singing on April 26 at 7 p.m. at the Friendly Holiness Church on Atmosphere Road in Poarch community. The Rev. Ray Ward is the pastor, the singers will be Bro. Jimmy and Sister Debbie Roberts from Chatom.
Walnut Hill church to host homecoming
United Methodist Church in Walnut Hill, Fla. will hold homecoming services at 11 a.m. on April 27. The Rev. Jean Spikes will be the speaker. Dinner will follow the service. Everyone is invited to attend.
Mt. Shiloh to celebrate anniversary
Mt Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Nokomis community, invites everyone to come out and fellowship with them during Church Anniversary celebration on April 27 at 3 p.m. Ads for a souvenir book are also being sold. Prices are: whole page $75; 1/2 page $50, 1/4 page $25, 1/8 page $15 and patron (name listing) $5. Contact Jessie Fisher at 446-3041 or Shirley Brown at 368-3939 by April 20 to place your ad. Everyone is welcome.
If you have any questions, concerning this announcement, contact Shirley Brown at 580-8678.
Annual Mayfest scheduled for May 3
Atmore’s Mayfest will be held May 3 at Tom Byrne Park. There will be a variety of events for everyone at Mayfest.
For more information, contact the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce at 368-3305.
Nokomis F.D. to host fundraiser on May 3
Nokomis Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring a Boston Butt Roast Fundraiser Sale on May 3. Tickets are being sold in advance or you can place an order by calling Wayne Hubbard at 368-5800, Jessie Fisher at 446-3041 or Thelma Albert at 368-8885. All orders will need to be picked up by 2 p.m. on May 3 at the fire station located at 163 James Road. The cost is $25.
For more information, call Shirley Brown at 580-8678.
Robinsonville church celebrates 106 years
Robinsonville Baptist Church will host a homecoming, celebrating 106 years of ministry in the Atmore area, on May 4 at 10:30 a.m.
The Rev. Wilmer Baker will be speaking. Covered dish lunch will follow the service.
First Assembly hosts women’s fair
Make plans now to attend the Women’s Health &Wellness Fair at Atmore First Assembly, May 10 from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The morning will include free blood sugar and cholesterol testing for participants that fast. Food will be provided after the test. Also there will be free blood pressure evaluation, free nutritional assessment and immunization screening. While testing is being done, ladies can hear about healthy eating and can receive a fitness assessment.
Besides the health screening, the day will include a free lunch and a chance to hear three general sessions followed by six concurrent sessions that covers all age groups. Ladies, you might want to hear about health issues or you might want to choose topics to help your children or grandchildren.
There are four ways to register. Preregister at the church office 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Monday through Friday; e-mail:; Web site:; or you may register the day of the event. For more information, call Sharon Kessler, 850-327-4839 or Ruth Harrell, 251-296-5101.
Hospital Auxiliary offers scholarships
The Hospital Auxiliary is offering two scholarships this year. The scholarships are offered to anyone interested in working in any medical field. Those interested can be just finishing high school, already working in a medical field and wanting to further their education or just planning on going to school. Applications are available in all area high school counseling offices and the gift shop at Atmore Community Hospital.
Applications need to be turned in to the gift shop at the hospital by May 9.
Trinity Episcopal hosts fun day
Trinity Episcopal Church will be holding a fun-filled day of events, including an antique appraisal, silent auction and a boxed lunch sale on May 10 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Proceeds from the event will benefit Trinity's extensive Outreach Program. The big day is being conducted with a lot of help from First National Bank and Trust and also Masland Carpets, the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Endowment Committee and Swift's Supply.
ECHS class of ‘98 to host reunion
Escambia County High School Class of 1998 will hold a reunion meeting at Weatherford’s Steak House (formally known as Best Western Restaurant) on June 1 at 5 p.m. There will be a charge of $40 per person and this will include dinner and building fee, deadline will be May 19th. All interested parties contact class president at 251-253-5858 or class member, Theresa Smith at 704-524-3295.
If you would like a community event published in the Advance please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to