Smith takes Creek culture to Century
Published 2:46 am Wednesday, April 23, 2008
By By Adrienne McKenzie
Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve general manager Billy Smith, along with Creek Indian Douglas Daughtry presented Native American culture to visitors of the Century Branch Library in Century, Fla. last Thursday.
Daughtry provided traditional Indian dance to the children and adults in attendance at the PCI program last week, while Smith gave information regarding PCI and also how to stay safe.
Smith spoke to the children on how to stay protected from bad things in the world.
Other than providing safety awareness, Smith showed those in attendance Indian pieces he’s picked up or made along the way. He showed off gourd shakers, which make music; an antelope drum skin; baskets and many more objects.
Smith also played the drum made from antelope, while Daughtry danced.
Smith said he was started the annual Pow-Wow at the Tribe. Traditionally the Pow-Wow was held on July 4, but he said it was too hot so the event was moved to Thanksgiving. Daughtry has been dancing with Smith since he was a child as a part of the Headapadea Creek Indian dancers.
Daughtry performed two “fancy” dances and allowed the children to participate with him during a “friendship” dance at the Century Branch Library PCI program last week.
Smith also spoke not only about safety awareness, he also gave some insight into the history of PCI because of his vast knowledge of the Tribe. Smith is not only the general manager of Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve, he also served on the Creek Indian Enterprise Board from 1995-2007. He has been a member of the Earth team of the National Resources Conservation Services since May of 2003.
Smith is a PCI Tribal Elder, he is on the Southeast Region Elders Council and he serves as the Creek Indian Enterprise representative on the Gaming board.
Smith was also a Tribal Council member for 18 years, serving as vice chairman for 10 years. He is running for Tribal Council again in June.