Calendar of Events
Published 3:55 am Monday, May 5, 2008
By Staff
Lottie New Home to host singing today
There will be a gospel singing May 4 at 2 p.m. at Lottie New Home Church. Everyone is welcome. The contact number is 251-580-4178 or 251-331-0242.
VFW to host district meeting today
Atmore VFW Post 7016, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will host the quarterly VFW District meeting on May 4 at 2 p.m.
All Atmore area VFW members are encouraged to attend and participate. Help is especially needed with food items.
If you are a VFW veteran or a spouse of a VFW veteran and can help with food items, please call Lee “Lavan” Martin at 368-8160, Byard Swift at 368-3742 (home) or 229-2299 (cell) or Joel Day at 368-5637.
Pine Barron hosts homecoming event
Pine Barron Baptist Church will host a homecoming celebration on May 4. Brother Ronnie Champion will bring the message during the 11 a.m. service. Special music will be by Charity and Michael Peterson. There will be dinner on the ground at noon.
For more information, call Katie Darby at 327-4954.
Robinsonville church celebrates 106 years
Robinsonville Baptist Church will host a homecoming, celebrating 106 years of ministry in the Atmore area, on May 4 at 10:30 a.m.
The Rev. Wilmer Baker will be speaking. Covered dish lunch will follow the service.
Education retirees to meet May 8
The regular meeting of the Escambia County Education Retires Association will be held May 8 at 11 a.m. at the Creek Family Restaurant, Hwy. 21 and I-65 Atmore. All education retirees on any academic level and anyone else interested in public are invited to attend this meeting.
SAIL Center to host holiday bake sale
The Atmore SAIL Center will host a Mother’s Day Bake Sale on May 9 at 10 a.m.
The SAIL Center is located at 300 East Ridgeley St. in Atmore.
Hospital Auxiliary offers scholarships
The Hospital Auxiliary is offering two scholarships this year. The scholarships are offered to anyone interested in working in any medical field. Those interested can be just finishing high school, already working in a medical field and wanting to further their education or just planning on going to school. Applications are available in all area high school counseling offices and the gift shop at Atmore Community Hospital.
Applications need to be turned in to the gift shop at the hospital by May 9.
First Assembly will host women’s fair
Make plans now to attend the Women’s Health &Wellness Fair at Atmore First Assembly, May 10 from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The morning will include free blood sugar and cholesterol testing for participants that fast. Food will be provided after the test. Also there will be free blood pressure evaluation, free nutritional assessment and immunization screening. While testing is being done, ladies can hear about healthy eating and can receive a fitness assessment.
Besides the health screening, the day will include a free lunch and a chance to hear three general sessions followed by six concurrent sessions that covers all age groups. Ladies, you might want to hear about health issues or you might want to choose topics to help your children or grandchildren.
There are four ways to register. Preregister at the church office 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Monday through Friday; e-mail:; Web site:; or you may register the day of the event. For more information, call Sharon Kessler, 850-327-4839 or Ruth Harrell, 251-296-5101.
McCullough VFD to host annual meeting
McCullough Volunteer Fire Department will holds its annual meeting May 10 for the election of officers.
Lunch will be served at noon prior to the meeting.
Trinity Episcopal hosts fun day
Trinity Episcopal Church will be holding a fun-filled day of events, including an antique appraisal, silent auction and a boxed lunch sale on May 10 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Proceeds from the event will benefit Trinity's extensive Outreach Program. The big day is being conducted with a lot of help from First National Bank and Trust and also Masland Carpets, the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Endowment Committee and Swift's Supply.
Commission to hold meeting on May 12
The Escambia County Commission will conduct a regular session on May 12 at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Chambers, Room 201, at the Escambia County Courthouse, Brewton. The Administrative Workshop will be held on May 8 at 8:30 a.m.
Hastings family to hold reunion May 17
A Hastings family reunion will be held May 17 at the George Pervy Thames Senior Citizen’s Building located in Robertsdale.
The reunion will start at 9 a.m. and will last until. It is asked of each family to bring covered dishes of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
For more information call Macks Hastings (home) 251-947-5499 or (cell) 251-979-7543, Herbert Hastings at 251-945-5592 or Hilda Hastings Benson 251-988-1696.
Legion Auxiliary looking for members
The American Legion Auxiliary meeting is held the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion building.
If anyone is interested in membership, please call 446-1403.
ECHS class of ‘98 to host reunion
Escambia County High School Class of 1998 will hold a reunion meeting at Weatherford’s Steak House (formally known as Best Western Restaurant) on June 1 at 5 p.m. There will be a charge of $40 per person and this will include dinner and building fee, deadline will be May 19th. All interested parties contact class president at 251-253-5858 or class member, Theresa Smith at 704-524-3295.
Historical Society to meet May 19
The next meeting of the Atmore Historical Society is May 19 at 6 p.m. in the Peavy-Webb Building in Heritage Park. President Byard Swift invites everyone to attend. Program to be announced.
Daniel family to meet May 24
The annual family reunion of the descendants of Thomas Jefferson Daniel and Christiana Stabler Daniel will be held May 24 at Claude D. Kelley State Park. All family members are reminded to bring an expensive item for a door prize to be given away. A pot luck luncheon will be served at noon. We look forward to seeing you there!
FBC Bratt to host softball tournament
The First Baptist Church of Bratt will be holding a Co-ed Softball Tournament at Bradberry Ballpark in Walnut Hill on May 31. $200 entry fee per team. Three women minimum on the field at all times. Proceeds will go to the youth group's summer camp expenses.
For more information, contact Brad Gibbs at 251-294-0187 or Derek Angeles at 850 418-5004.
Brooks Memorial to host VBS in June
Brooks Memorial Baptist Church will hold Vacation Bible School from June 2-6 beginning at 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. ages 4 yrs. through 6th grade. The theme will be “Outrigger Island.”
The Vacation Bible School Kickoff Parade will be May 24 at 10 a.m. 904 E. McRae Street.
Art, antique festival slated for June 7
Come to the Country for the First Annual Southwest Alabama Antique and Art Fair in Uriah, June 7 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Rain date will be June 14th. Artists from all over Southwest Alabama and Northwest Florida will be there. Original Fine Art, Original Folk Art, Original Pottery, Hand Crafted Quilts and Antiques. There will be Bar B Q plates and sandwiches, a bake sale, auction, classic cars and music. Proceeds will be used to build a memorial for men from South Monroe County who gave their lives in WWII.
For more information call Dorothy Parker at 251-377-4667 of email at
Cheer &Dance Power registration
Atmore All-Star Cheer and Dance Power registration is being held for boys and girls ages 3 and up for all star cheer classes, lyrical ballet and hip hop dance class. An adult dance class is also available. Registration will be held every Monday and Wednesday of the month of April, May and ending June 4th at 114 W. Ridgeley Street across from County Charms from 3:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. The cost of registration is $25. Spaces are limited. New classes begin May 12th.
For additional information, contact LaShonda Marshall at 251-446-7827 or 251-223-7879.
Temple Christian holding registration
Temple Christian Academy is now accepting enrollment in 4-year-old Kindergarten through 12th grade for the 2008-09 school year.
Enrollment for each class will remain open until that class fills; however, registration for each class will be on a first come, first serve basis. Students enrolling for 4-year-old Kindergarten through first grade must be appropriate age to enter that grade by Sept. 1 to be admitted to that class.
If you have a child you are interested enrolling at Temple Christian Academy, you may contact the school at 368-8282, or you may drop by the school, which is located at 1707 S. Main St., across from David’s Catfish House in the building adjacent to the Atmore Baptist Temple.
Wawbeek VFD monthly yard sale
Wawbeek Volunteer Fire Department’s monthly yard sale will be held the first Saturday of each month 8 a.m. until. Money goes to purchase Jaws of Life. Reasonable donations accepted. Watch for signs.
If you would like a community event published in the Advance please fax it to 368-2124 or email it to