McKenzie’s Monologue
Published 4:56 am Wednesday, May 14, 2008
By Staff
Cookin’ up good times
By Adrienne McKenzie
Meeting Lucy Buffett was one of the highlights of my year!
Lucy was at First National Bank &Trust last Thursday signing her book, “Crazy Sista Cooking: Cuisine &Conversation with Lucy Anne Buffett” and meeting her was the closest I’ve ever been to meeting a celebrity. I was incredibly excited!
Although Lucy is famous, not only because of her brother Jimmy, but because of her Gulf Coast Restaurant, LuLu’s at Homeport Marina, she is also very down to earth.
I did not know what to expect when walking into FNB&Trust last Thursday. I didn’t know how to act or what to say to Lucy, but after her book signing endeavors were complete she took time out of her busy schedule to honor me with an interview. I have to say that she was very sweet and incredibly funny.
Because of Lucy’s sweet disposition, I just had to purchase one of her cookbooks. I later found out that Lucy also is very generous as proceeds from last week’s book signing went towards benefiting the Atmore Visual Arts Association (AVAA). AVAA along with Vikki Day’s Day Gallery are presenting “Art in the Park” on June 21 and that event is what the “Crazy Sista Cooking” book signing event contributed to.
Many Atmore area residents probably have visited LuLu’s down on the Gulf Coast. I unfortunately have not, but after looking at the cookbook I purchased I am convinced that the next trip I make towards the Gulf will be to eat at LuLu’s.
There are so many recipes in the cookbook that look extremely fabulous and although I have no idea how to cook, I look forward to trying my luck with my new book.
There are a few recipes in the cookbook that make my mouth water just thinking about them, including “Lucy B. Goode’s Crabcakes” and “LuLu’s Summer Seafood Gumbo.”
But now that my experience with Lucy is over with, I have another one to look forward to.
I plan on attending the concert to be held at the Creek Casino.
The Poarch Creek Indians are presenting the Creek Music Festival and there are many stars that are scheduled to be there.
The Four Tops are supposed to be at the event, along with country music star Lorrie Morgan.
The event is a day of outdoor concert entertainment that I am excited about!
If you chose to skip meeting Lucy Buffett, maybe you should consider going to the event at the casino this weekend. Everyone always talks about how there is nothing to do in Atmore, but there is, you just have to sit back and take a look to find what’s out there.
Hopefully I’ll see everyone at the casino listening to some great music on Saturday!
Adrienne McKenzie is managing editor for The Atmore Advance. She can be reached at 368-2123 or emailed at