Letter to Editor
Published 5:15 am Thursday, May 15, 2008
By Staff
An open letter to voters in District 4
It is with great disappointment in my competitors for the District 4 commissioner race that I send this letter. The Atmore Advance, in an effort to provide fair and balanced reporting of the local campaign, offered to sponsor a forum for the candidates. This forum would provide voters in this district a valuable opportunity to meet the candidates and learn of their positions on various issues. Even though this forum would have been conducted in a fair and impartial manner, all of the candidates except myself declined to participate.
My sense of duty, fair play, honor and a desire to give this district an honest, informed choice in this race led me to immediately declare my support for this forum. Unfortunately my esteemed co-candidates did not feel this same sense of public obligation.
I think the voters of this fine district deserve far more than these three candidates hiding behind their campaign signs and offering only "cotton-candy politics," which leaves a sweet taste in the mouth, but which leaves no substance for the mind.
If voters in this district are concerned about quality of life issues such as better roads, lower taxes and sustainable and good paying jobs I encourage them to contact my office at 446-3495 or stop by at 100 North Main St. in Atmore and I will gladly explain my position on the issues.
Unlike other candidates I have an agenda, one based on hard work, dedication to principle and a commitment to improving our neighborhoods and towns in this county for a better tomorrow.
It is my hope that all voters in District 4 will remember the "Silent 3" who hid behind their campaign signs prior to the June 3rd primary.
With kindest regards.
Kevin McKinley
Paid political advertisement by Kevin McKinley, P.O. Box 579 Atmore, Alabama 36504