Senior Living
Published 5:56 am Wednesday, May 28, 2008
By Staff
Mason recently moved back ‘home’ from Tallahassee, Fla.
By Adrienne McKenzie
(This week The Atmore Advance spotlights 67-year-old Kay Mason. Mason enjoys visiting the Huxford SAIL Center with her mother, Nobie Purnell.)
Q: When and where were you born?
A: I was born in Atmore on Oct. 28, 1940.
Q: Who were your parents?
A: Clyde Purnell and Nobie Purnell. My mom and I come up here (the Huxford SAIL Center) together.
Q: Where were your parents from?
A: Both were from Flomaton. He was born in Ohio I think.
Q: What did your parents do for a living?
A: My father was a farmer and businessman and my mother was a housewife.
Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: I have two brothers.
Q: What are their names and where do they live?
A: Ron Purnell and Ralph Purnell. Ron lives in Clarksville, Tenn. and Ralph lives in St. Francisville, La.
Q: Where did you attend school?
A: Escambia County High School and then Judson College in Marion and Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
Q: Do you do a lot of traveling?
A: My husband is retired from the military so we traveled a lot.
Q: Where all have you traveled?
A: Germany, England, Korea, all over.
Q: Where did you work?
A: I have worked with military dependent children in Germany. I taught in Sumter, S.C., Havana, Fla. and Tallahassee, Fla.
Q: What do you like most about Atmore?
A: The people and the church and the (Huxford SAIL) Center.
Q: Did you ever marry?
A: Yes.
Q: What’s your husband’s name?
A: Terrell.
Q: When did you two marry?
A: In 1961.
Q: Do you have children?
A: No. We have a dog named Spot. He’s a Jack Russell.
Q: Where do you attend church?
A: Huxford Baptist Church.
Q: What keeps you busy these days?
A: Trying to get our house organized. We are still in the process of moving from Tallahassee, Fla. We officially moved here May 8.
I am happy to be back in this area and I look forward to seeing old friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: I like the Food Network and Paula Dean.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I like Chinese food.
Q: What advice would you like to give people on staying healthy?
A: Exercise and be safety conscious.
(If you would like to recommend a senior to be spotlighted please contact Adrienne McKenzie at 368-2123 or e-mail her at