Cook's Corner
Published 3:14 pm Wednesday, August 20, 2008
By Staff
Win some ‘dough’ cooking
By Lisa Tindell
If you're interested in making a little dough, by making a little dough, I've decided to gather up some information you might find interesting.
I realize that I may not be the best cook on the block, but my son thinks that I make some pretty good food. But, since he isn’t judging any of the contests I’ve found to enter, I may have to rethink my game plan.
If you’re interested in entering a recipe or cooking contest, I’ve found some that might be interesting.
Here is a sample list of contests currently open for entry that you may find interesting. I’ve included some basic rules for each of the contests listed.
If you need more information, give me a call and I’ll be happy to help you out.
There are some on-going contests that you may want use to get started in your contest quest. Please remember, if I use a brand name here it is only for purpose of telling you about the contest. I’m not endorsing any company, product or web site, I am simply passing along information.
Basically, you can submit any recipe that is original and previously unpublished. To enter the contest, visit for details and entry information. The deadline for this year’s event is Dec. 31.
Some pretty interesting contests have deadlines for their annual event. I’m including contest entry information on two contests that end this month. You may not have time to pull together an entry before the deadline, but at least you can see what it’s all about and consider entering next year. These contests have some pretty good prize incentives to those who want to enter.
Here’s the scoop on the great chicken cook-off that will garner the winner a whopping $50,000.
Cook-Off in May 2009 to compete for the grand prize. Judges’ Choice Award is $10,000. Each state finalist will win $100. To enter or to get more details on rules, visit www.nationalchickencontest. com.
If you have a recipe that is an original and you think might win a prize, let me know. I’ll be glad to check and see if there is a contest somewhere that might make you a winner.
I’ll keep a check on recipe contests that might be interesting for cooks in our area and I’ll let you know if I find something good.
I plan to keep a close watch on contests. Next week, I will be passing along information on contests that are held at the same time each year.
There are barbecue contests held each spring and summer and other contests that are held each fall. We’ve missed the deadline for some of them this year, but that shouldn’t stop us from checking it out for the next competition.
If we can get a head start on knowing when the competitions are held, maybe we could start practicing on our recipes and techniques now. I have seen some of the contestants who have ended up winning the whole enchilada talk about how they prepared their recipe 100 times in preparation of the contest.
If you have information on good recipes or cooking/recipe contests, please let me know. I’d love to share the information with cooks in our area. You can give me a call at 867-4876 or drop me a line at I’d love to hear from you.
Until next week, happy cooking and good luck!
Lisa Tindell is news editor of the Brewton Standard. She can be reached at 251-867-4876 or by email at