Calendar of Events
Published 4:15 pm Monday, August 25, 2008
By Staff
Atmore municipal elections Tuesday
Atmore municipal elections will be held Tuesday, Aug. 26.
Polling sites will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
EA Skeet Shoot is cancelled
The Escambia Academy Skeet Shoot has been cancelled this weekend due to the severe weather moving in from Tropical Storm Fay.
The skeet shoot has been moved to next weekend on Aug. 29 at the Oxbow Hunting Club in Baldwin County.
GECA auditions slated for Aug. 31
The Greater Escambia Council for the Arts will hold auditions for “Steel Magnolias” on Sun., Aug. 31 at Grace Fellowship Church in Atmore at 2 p.m. This cast will consist of five women. Production dates are scheduled for October.
For more information contact
Area meetings
Historical Society will meet Monday
The Escambia County Historical Society's regular meeting is at 3 p.m. on Aug. 26 in the Thomas E. McMillan Museum at Jefferson Davis Community College in Brewton. The program is "Show and Tell," which means people bring items of historical interest or family heirlooms. This program always brings a surprise or two. You don't have to be a member to attend.
For more information, call 251-867-7332 or 251-809-1528
Prevention coalition to meet Sept. 12
The Southwest Alabama AIDS Prevention Coalition will not meet in August. The next meeting will be on Sept. 12.
For further information, contact Maureen Nichols at (251) 275-7108.
Educational events
ACH shares how to be feet friendly
Atmore Community Hospital will host “Putting Your Best Foot Forward” at 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 27.
Years of pounding the pavement can be tough on your toes, heels, ankles and arches. Join podiatrist Dr. Bradford Egly to learn how to be kind to your feet.
ACH will also host “Knowledge is the key to aging wisely” Sept. 24.
Dr. Harrison Moore will present “Medicine Working for You.”
Programs are held in the hospital’s Mayson Auditorium. Light refreshments are provided at 8:30 a.m. with seminars beginning at 9 a.m.
For more information call 850-469-7897.
Atmore Community Hospital will host “Dinner with the Doc,” focusing on joint pain causes and treatments.
Dr. William Smith, orthopedic physician, will help you “Get Back in Motion” with his presentation on the causes and treatments for joint pain at the Sept. 23 event.
The free presentation features dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by the educational program.
Because seating is limited, registration is required. The session will be held in the hospital’s Mayson Auditorium.
For reservations, call 368-6329.
Church Events
Mt. Shiloh hosts anniversary event
Mt. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church invites everyone to come out and fellowship with its congregation during the church’s Women and Men’s Day Anniversary celebration on Aug. 24.
The women’s program will be held during the 11 a.m. morning service and the men’s program will begin at 3 p.m.
Chairpersons are Rosie Williams, Dan Robinson and Wallace Brown.
Baysprings FGC to host singing Aug. 23
Baysprings Full Gospel Church will host a singing at 6 p.m. on Aug. 23 featuring Bro. Andy Lollie and the Gospel Trio. The public and local talent is invited.
For more information call 327-4349.
Christ Temple EPC pastoral appreciation
The Christ Temple Evangelistic Pentecostal Church will hold its 27th annual Pastoral Appreciation services in honor of Elder T.L. and first lady Cynthia Smith beginning Thursday, Aug. 21 and climaxing on Sunday, Aug. 24. Nightly services will start at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Speakers include Apostle Reginald Stallworth, Dr. G.W.C. Richardson, Jr., Pastor Sherman Maddie and Pastor Freddie Banks.
Everyone is invited to celebrate with us on this occasion.
Ebenezer Lutheran Rally Day Aug. 24
On Sunday, Aug. 24 Ebenezer Lutheran Church will celebrate its Annual Rally Day service at 3 p.m. The theme for this year’s service is “Giving God Our Best.” The scripture is: John 12:1-8. We are looking to having a joyous time in the Lord. You’re Church choir is invited to do an A and B selection. If it is possible, please let us know if you are planning to attend. Refreshments will be served after the service.
Lenox Baptist singing slated for Aug. 30
Lenox Baptist Church will host a Gospel Singing Aug. 30 at 6 p.m. everyone is invited including all local groups and singers.
For more information please contact Pastor Houston Gill at 251-408-1398.
Church of the Living God singing Aug. 30
Church of the Living God will hold a gospel singing at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 30.
Featured singers are the Providential Quartet from McComb, Miss. Pastor Earl Harrison and congregation invite everyone to come.
Catholic Women to meet in Lillian
Catholic Women of the Baldwin/Escambia Deanery announced that their quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 4 at St. Joseph Parish Hall, Hwy. 98, Lillian, Ala. Registration and Coffee at 9 a.m.; Mass at 11 a.m. celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Rodi and lunch at 12:15 p.m.
Mrs. Ginnie Wilkins, current President of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, will give her "Call To Convention," which is set for Oct. 26-28 at Perdido Key Resort. New ACCW officers will be installed.
All Catholic Women in the Atmore/Brewton area are invited to attend this meeting. Reservations for the luncheon are necessary.
Please call Letty Digmon at 251-253-3286 for more information.
Williams will be honored Oct. 6-12
Jones Street True Pentecostal Holiness Church will begin celebrating their 32nd Year Pastor Anniversary Services for Bishop Willie L. Williams, founder and pastor of the Jones Street True Pentecostal Holiness Church, located at 90 Jones St. in Atmore.
The event will be held Oct. 6-12 at 7:30 p.m. nightly and climaxing Oct. 12 at 3 p.m.
Bro. Bernard L. Bryant, chairman and Elder Mona Simmons co-chairperson.
Trinity to host praise, worship youth service
Trinity Episcopal Church will host a Contemporary Praise &Worship Service for youth at 6 p.m. on Sept. 7. The service is open to all youth, regardless of denomination.
The Rev. H. Michael Hill, Rector at St. Cyprians Episcopal Church in Pensacola, Fla. will present the evening message. A group of youths from St. Monica’s Episcopal Church in Cantonment, Fla. will provide musical accompaniment.
Trinity Church is located in the 200 block of S. Carney at Church Street.
Hallelujah Block Party Nov. 1
Empowerment Tabernacle and Old Ship Church Community Project will host a Hallelujah Block Party from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the Patterson Apartment complex on Nov. 1.
Other activities
Historical society assists students
The Escambia County Historical Society established a scholarship award ($500) for second-term students at Jefferson Davis Community College to be awarded at the fall term of this year. The award will go to a student majoring in history, archaeology or botany.
Funds will be placed in an account at the college bookstore, which the recipient may draw upon for books and supplies during their tenure at JDCC.
Anyone wishing to make a tax-exempt donation may do so by contacting the society at 251-867-7332 or by mailing a check to ECHS Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 276, Brewton, AL. 36427.
ECHS Class of ‘88 planning reunion
The ECHS Class of 1988 is planning a 20 year reunion. Information has been mailed to all classmates that we could locate an address. If you are a member of the class and have not received the information, please contact Tammy Coker Rolin at 251-368-1246 or at
Upcoming events
Tupperware event in Oak Grove Aug. 28
Kimberly McCullough and Judy Hall will be at the Oak Grove Community Park located at 2550 Hwy. 99 North in Oak Grove, Fla. from 10 a.m. until noon on Aug. 28, 2008 taking up old Tupperware that has been split, broken, cracked, chipped or pealing to be replaced with compatible pieces or credit.
For further information call Kim McCullough at 850-712-6588 of Judy Hall at 850-327-4409.
YLA application deadline Sept. 5
Application for Youth Leadership Atmore for the 2008-09 year are now available for high school junior interested in participating in the program. The applications are on hand at each high school office and the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce office.
Programs throughout the year start with an opening retreat at Camp Beckwith on Weeks Bay and include Law Enforcement and Justice, Resumes Interviews and Etiquette, History, Education, Government and Business and Industry. Membership in YLA is limited to approximately 20 students.
Candidates must be in their junior year of High School, be maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.5 of higher, and have parental and school permission to participate. The deadline for completed applications is Friday, Sept. 5, 2008 at 4 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office.
Brewton Habitat goes green Sept. 13
Greater Brewton Habitat for Humanity has scheduled a "Going Green" building blitz for Sept. 13-15. This home will be built on Lovelace Avenue in Brewton and will include innovative energy-efficient and environmentally responsible building techniques and materials. The future home of the Qualamina Drakeford family will be the 15th house built and sold by the Brewton Habitat affiliate in the last 12 years.
The mission of Greater Brewton Habitat for Humanity is to be a witness of God's love by partnering with the community to provide affordable housing to those in need.
To support this upcoming building blitz by donating time, talent or resources, please call 867-0095 or e-mail
Taste of the South looking for vendors
Taste of the South will be held on Sept. 20 from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. at Heritage Park in Atmore. The event is coordinated by the Leadership Atmore Class of 2004. Tickets will be $10. The $10 ticket will allow individuals to receive five “taste testing” tickets, allowing them to try some wonderful dishes.
If anyone is interested in having a vending booth at this event, contact the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce. There will be live entertainment provided by local talents.
Hospital Auxiliary to host jewelry sale
Coming!! Masquerade Jewelry. Experience the $5 frenzy, Oct. 16-18. ACH will no longer be using Phantasia. Please support the ACH Auxiliary.
McCullough VFD yard sale Sept. 6-7
The McCullough Volunteer Fire Department will be holding a fundraiser yard sale on Sept. 6-7 starting at 8 a.m. until. All proceeds from sale will be used solely for the benefit of the fire department. Refreshments will also be for sale. Money donations and donations of items will be greatly appreciated.
For donation information please contact Christy Smith at 251-253-1022 or Kellie Moore 251-227-2191.
Walk-A-Thon Oct. 11 at Tom Byrne Park
The Women of Distinction will be sponsoring their inaugural Walk-A-Thon, themed “A Walk in the Park,” on Saturday, Oct. 11.
The Walk-A-Thon will be held at Tom Byrne Park and is slated to begin at 8 a.m. with a 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. late registration.
Proceeds from this walk will benefit the American Cancer Society Loan Closet at Greenlawn Home Health and to support other educational and civic events in the community.
If you would like additional information or would like to participate or sponsor a participant please contact: Stephanie Walker-251-577-1339 or Paula Robinson - 251-229-0492. or visit