Members continue Mt. Pisgah build
Published 10:34 pm Sunday, October 12, 2008
By By MaryClaire Foster
When it opens in November, Pastor Michael Wilson expects there to be no room to sit, a fact he does not take lightly, but still looks on with good spirits.
Wilson’s church, Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, began construction in February when there were only 60 members.
Compare that to the more than 100 they have now and opening day might be cramped, even with the expected seating capacity of 130.
Wilson takes it in stride and says the walk in, the first time the congregation is allowed in and sees the church together, will no doubt be joyful and exciting for all, no matter the seats available.
For the past two years members have met in the home of Deacon Arbo Bradley and before that in a funeral home.
Bradley is one of many members helping to build the church in their free time. Bradley, a cabinet building instructor at Jefferson Davis Community College and former contractor, created the blueprints for the church and is supervising construction.
Bradley’s students are helping to build many aspects of the church including the pulpit, chairs, collection tables and window frames.
Having members and students help with production has dramatically cut costs, a fact that puts Bradley at ease.
The slow going of building has members eager to get in, including member Birdie Mae Williams.
Williams said as eager as she is, she understands and appreciates the church being built at all.
Williams is referring not only to the slower than normal construction time, but having the church being built at all.
The church as a body was formed in 2005 after several members split from another area church. The church was then under the direction of one pastor, who helped to purchase land for a building site, but left saying he would not be building a church.
After several months without a pastor, Williams and other church members set out to regroup and find a new one.
Williams had heard of Wilson and she along with other members considered him as a possible candidate for pastor. Instead of taking the formal route to invite him to their church, Williams and a cousin went straight to Wilson’s house.
Williams said from then on Wilson was their pastor.
Wilson and the congregation set out right away to raise funds for the church including hosting a car wash and yard sale along with a music program at Holy Community Church.
In its final stages, the church, according to Pastor Wilson, would not have been possible without the members dedication.
Deacon Kenneth Broggan said some members have gone above and beyond their duty to help especially Dexter Adams.
Broggan said he is just as eager to be in the church as everyone else.
Looking out over the sawdust and tools to the newly hung sheet rock he said, “I’m excited and ready to get in here.”
When completed, the building will house the sanctuary, pulpit, choir loft, bathrooms, sound board, secretary’s office and pastor’s study.