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Published 8:40 am Wednesday, December 24, 2008

By Staff
Travel safely during holidays
As the Christmas holidays begin for area youngsters, so, also does holiday travel.
AAA predicts this will be one of the busiest travel seasons. Lower gas prices are allowing more families to go longer distances driving on the road this year.
With all the extra cars on the road during the next few weeks, it is imperative that everyone take a little bit of time to think of safety while on the roads.
First, travel a little slower on the roads. We need to realize that it's better to be a little bit late to mom and dad's house than risk having a high-speed accident on roadways.
Buckle up. Research shows that not buckling your seat belt greatly increases your risk of injury in an accident on the road.
Most of all, drive sober.
With holiday celebrations all over, it's easy to drink too much. Remember that the price you could pay for a DUI isn't worth it – you could end your life or the life of someone you love.
Following recent reports of a 10 percent decline in traffic deaths nationwide in 2008, Alabama Public Safety Director Col. J. Christopher Murphy cited an even sharper decline — 18 percent — in trooper-reported traffic deaths in Alabama during 2008. He said DPS’s goal is to build on that success through the holidays and to year’s end.
State Troopers will be in full force during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, so don’t take the chance at time in jail, court or a funeral home.
According to DPS, Troopers have been conducting a pre-Christmas checkpoint campaign since Dec. 17 and will continue through Christmas. Troopers working with local law enforcement agencies will conduct daily checkpoints in each of the department’s nine troop areas. They are utilizing DPS’s fleet of BAT-mobiles — nine trucks equipped with breath alcohol testing equipment — at many of the checkpoint locations. During a similar initiative held before the Thanksgiving holiday, troopers recorded more than 2,200 traffic citations, including 75 DUIs. A similar campaign is planned for the New Year’s .
So, if you are partying, make sure you have a designated driver. And, drive defensively. There are many among us who won't be cautious or sober.
We at the Advance hope you'll be careful out there. Better to make this a holiday you want to always remember than one you can never forget.

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