Letter to the Editor
Published 12:22 am Wednesday, April 22, 2009
By Staff
Relay for Life drive raises Atmore concerns
Let me begin by praising all those who have given of their time, talents and finances to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. I know from experience the need for a cure as I myself had cancer and have a son-in-law that now is suffering from the dreaded disease.
I still have an issue with the Relay for Life going on year round when there are also noteworthy charities, such as February being National Heart month, the United Fund, the Save a Life’s ministry, Christian Care and others. I understand the value of finding a cure for cancer because it is like a death sentence when one is told they might have it.
I also have a problem with the amount of money being generated in Atmore, yet to my knowledge, none of it is kept here for even gas or medicine cards for patients that have to go out of town for treatments. I would like for someone to ease my mind on some of this as I have heard that thousands are raised yearly and it is growing.
I am not an unmerciful or uncompassionate person, but I do believe in accountability with strong checks and balances.
Carolyn B. Morris