YMCA soccer registration open
Published 12:48 pm Wednesday, August 5, 2009
By By Chandler Myers
Autumn is just around the corner and fall sports are preparing to gear up, prompting the Atmore Area YMCA to open its soccer registration to children from ages three to 17.
Registration runs until Monday, Aug. 10 with a skills clinic taking place Thursday, Aug. 13.
Registration costs $35 for the first child a member signs up with each additional child being $20. Registration for non-members is $55 per child.
After the registration period ends, a late registration period will take place until Thursday, Aug. 13 with a $15 late fee being charged.
Ross Terry, sports program director for the Atmore Area YMCA, said that the skills clinic is an important aspect for soccer because it teaches necessary skills needed to understand the game.
After the skills clinic teaches the children playing the basics of soccer, practice will begin Monday, Aug. 17.
From there practices run up until the first games start on Sept. 2.
The break down of the leagues is separated into three different age groups.
The three-to-five-year-old teams play five-minute quarters and play on Mondays and Tuesdays.
The six-eight-year-olds play seven-minute quarters and play Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coaches are needed for the six-eight-year-olds.
Teams in the nine-12-year-old league play 10-minute quarters and play their games on Mondays and Thursdays.
The 9-12-year-old and 13-18-year-old teams formed at the Atmore YMCA will also play games with teams from the Brewton YMCA.
Terry said the most important thing about YMCA soccer is the benefits children get from it.
For more information contact the Atmore YMCA at 368-9622.