Letter to the Editor
Published 12:58 am Friday, December 4, 2009
By Staff
County truancy program sets bar
It is with extreme pleasure that we commend Escambia County District and Juvenile court Judge Dave Jordan as well as the Superintendents and other leaders of your city and county school systems, your District Attorney and other public officials, and members of your Children’s Policy council for their innovative work in preventing truancy in Escambia County. The Truancy Diversion Program is quickly becoming a model for the state and was recently mentioned as such by the Alabama Select Commission on School Dropout and Graduation. Utilizing the services of a grant-secured dropout prevention specialist, the Truancy Diversion Program and its positive impact on the children, youth and families of Escambia County have been presented by Judge Jordan and others at a major conference of the Alabama State Department of Education. Additionally, this model program has evoked inquiries and requests to duplicate from court leaders in some of Alabama’s largest counties.
Judge Jordan has often credited the long-term collaboration and cooperation among the public officials and citizens of Escambia County in working with youth as the keys to a successful community. This obviously successful collaboration has indeed become yet another model for the state. We congratulate each of you for this success.
Judge Jordan obviously understands that being a “good judge” involves more than just “good judging in the courtroom.” It involves true leadership in the community, for that, I am truly thankful.
Sue Bell Cobb
Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and Chief Administrative Officer for Alabama's Judicial System.