Council approves tennis bid
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The Atmore City Council approved a bid to renovate tennis courts at Tom Byrne and Houston Avery Parks at its meeting Monday night.
The bids approved covers four courts at Byrne Park and two at Houston Avery, Atmore Mayor Jim Staff said.
“Our tennis courts are in sad shape,” Staff said. “We’ve had to close two at Byrne Park.”
The bid amount approved was for $28,071 for resurfacing and renovating the courts. The renovations will last five years.
In other business, the council:
• approved giving Staff authority to negotiate a credit line for the Atmore Municipal Airport improvement project, which is around $2,200,000;
• approved the appointment of Alex Jones on the planning board;
• approved the reappointment of Anthony Marshall to the library board for another four-year term;
• approved the operating budget for fiscal year 2015-2016. Total expenses projected for the budget is $10,544,000;
• approved a request for the Women of Distinction to hold their annual Breast Cancer Walk at Tom Byrne Park on Oct. 17;
• set a Pepsi Celebration Day for Oct. 18 at Byrne Park, whether or not the local soft drink company that is vying for the top franchise of the year;
• approved to exercise the right of immanent domain to establish a right of way or easement behind the Atmore Christian School on the property owned by Michael Esneul. The utility board needs to have access to the right of way, Staff said.
• approved holding the Escambia County High School Homecoming Parade on Oct. 9, at 2 p.m. The parade begins at the YMCA and will conclude at the high school.