Enrich our soil
Published 4:39 pm Monday, January 8, 2007
By Staff
Letter to the Editor
That time of the year is upon us: leaves, pine straw, and grass clippings piled up on the side of the street, to be carried off to the landfill.
Maybe if we realized how valuable this "debris" is (especially leaves), we might reconsider. Bill Finch, environmental editor of the Mobile Register, say that "leaves are better than manure" or any fertilizer you can buy. The nutrients that leaves impart to our soil are too numerous to count.
So instead of "casting out" one of our most valuable resources, why not do one simple recycling endeavor, and (by bagging) use or give away these enriching natural organisms, and help to enrich our soil, the source of all life.
Robert W. Mays